I’ve literally spent thousands of dollars working on my mindset. And from my experience, I make more money when I spend my money on coaches and learning about manifestation, energetics and mindset.
In today’s episode, I share what these investments look like and why I invest in mindset over marketing to maximise my investment returns.
- Why invest in mindset over marketing
- The advantages of investing in your mindset
What does it mean to invest in your mindset

* Transcript created by AI – may contain errors or omissions from original podcast audio
I’ve been reflecting on where I’ve invested the most money in my business, and I had a bit of an aha. I have spent way more on mindset than I have on marketing. I spent literally over a hundred thousand dollars on mindset. And there’s a reason why I do this. Because from my experience, I make more money when I spend to work with coaches and learning about manifestation, energetics, and mindset. Today’s episode of the podcast, I’m going to share with you what I believe it’s a much smarter investment to make.
If you are wanting to work on your money mindset, if you are ready to learn how to manifest, to attract more money and to create a life of financial freedom, I want to remind you that doors are open to my ultimate mindset course, the Profit Academy Accelerator, right now, but only for a few more days. This course is all of the tools and techniques I used to create epic outcomes in my own life, and that my clients have used successfully over the years. Multiple clients of mine have escalated to their first million dollar year in business using the exact strategies that I teach inside this program. But as I said, doors are only open for a limited time. So go and click on the link in the show notes for today’s episode. And I also want to mention that if you do join Accelerator, there is also an opportunity to upgrade to the Accelerator Inner Circle. So this is an opportunity to be coached by me in a group container. That’s only available if you join the Profit Academy Accelerator.
I am so pumped to be delivering this program live again, I’ve actually done a content upgrade, I’ve extended the length of the course as well, and there’s just so many inclusions in there, all designed to help you with your money. So the link is in the show notes for today’s episode. And again, if you do jump in the program, there’s also an opportunity to upgrade and have coaching support for me for six months. So make sure you go and check that out.
So before I dive into the episode, I feel like I should let you know that I’m sitting here right now recording this in a bikini. Here in the Gold Coast in Australia, the weather has turned, winter is finally over and we’ve got some gorgeous sunshine. So I’ve been enjoying my day down by the beach, been lying out the back a bit. And I thought, do you know what, I’m just going to record this episode in my bikini. Now, if you’re listening, you’re probably thinking, why are you telling me this? But it’s because I also post my episodes on YouTube. So if you are watching the video wondering what is going on, I’m just embracing the summer vibes.
Alrighty. So the reason I got inspired to share this episode of the podcast is because the other day I did an Instagram story asking about what people would want to invest in. And I was overwhelmed by how many people said that they want to invest in marketing. Now, don’t get me wrong I think investing in marketing is a fantastic idea, but the responses that I got through really got me thinking about the way that I choose to invest in my own business. And something that just kind of jumped forward to me is that when people say I want to invest in marketing, I instantly think people think that marketing is going to be the solution. To all their business worries. They’re like, I’ll just put some Facebook ads up and suddenly I’ll make a ton of money.
Now I want to be super clear, I absolutely invest in marketing, I’ve invested a lot of money in this space. So when I talk about investing in mindset over marketing, I’m not saying it’s one or the other. I absolutely believe that both are essential for long term business growth. However, I know for me that if I’m feeling stuck, if I’m ready for a big level up, the area that I always go to is my mindset. Because to me, ultimately everything hinges on mindset in business.
So let’s talk a little bit about what I mean by mindset. Your mindset is your subconscious beliefs, the things that you aren’t even aware of and you know, whether that’s related to money, your confidence, your ultimate desires in life, all come from a subconscious place. We have beliefs, we have thinking, that is so deeply ingrained that we don’t even realise that it’s, it’s not our natural state of being. These are thoughts that we’re not even thinking that we are thinking about. And the reason why it’s important to understand this is because 95 percent of what we do, we are not doing consciously, we’re doing on autopilot. And that’s great because we can’t possibly be thinking of all the things we need to do. You know, I need to take a breath in, I need to take a breath out, I need to process my food, I need to, you know, the list goes on… Obviously a lot of things that it helps that we do it on autopilot.
However, a lot of our thinking around money is also on autopilot. We have traumas, we have stories, we have things that have happened to us. That has created the way that we do things around finances without even really thinking. It might just be little things that you do, you know, you might get twinges of jealousy when you see someone else succeeding. Now, I’m sure you’re not intentionally being jealous, but something’s happened that’s making you feel that way to you in the past. Does that make sense? So this is why your mindset is so important, it is the engine that is driving your whole life. Now, the cool thing is as much as we have all of these subconscious thoughts, we’re not stuck with them for life. You can make a decision to reprogram those thoughts and, you know, sometimes things happen without us even realising an event happens and suddenly it changes our mind about everything, or we can make a conscious decision and say, Hey, I’m not going to think like that anymore because I know how it makes me act.
Now, when we talk about marketing and again, I just want to touch on this because marketing is a bit of a broad subject, really. So when I think about marketing and investing in marketing, I think about everything from brand, so your website, photography brand strategy right through to the actual investments into paid marketing, like Facebook ads, Google ads etc. So the, the field of marketing is, is quite broad when people say, I want to invest in marketing, I’m like, great there’s a whole ton of different options here.
Now the reasons why these two need to work together. And again, why I always lean into mindset on a dollar for dollar amount, is because with marketing, there’s no guaranteed ROI. You can go and set up a ton of Facebook ads. And they might make absolutely no difference to your business at all. And off the back of that, we also need to understand how these subconscious thoughts are then affecting what we do do with the learnings from our marketing.
So for example, let’s just say that you do go and put a ton of money into Facebook ads. One of two things happens that either you go, cool, well, let’s just keep doing the same thing on autopilot or the way that mindset then helps you is that if you’ve done a lot of work on your money mindset and things are going well, if the ads are working, you’ve then got the courage to leverage that growth. You can then say, okay, right what are we going to do? How are we going to make the most of this? That’s what mindset is starting to utilise the learnings and actually do things differently so that you can create new outcomes. Conversely, let’s just say that you go and invest a ton of money in Facebook ads and it’s a disaster. I’ve been there done that, but let’s just say that it is. What do you then do when the, you know what, hits the fan in business? How do you react? How do you respond? Now, if you haven’t done a lot of mindset work a lot of people spiral. Oh my gosh, I spent so much money, what a disaster, I’m doomed. Let me shut down my business. I don’t know.
But when you have done a lot of money mindset work, what happens is that your, your thoughts are programmed to think differently. And let me share a tale of two different stages in my business. Many, many years ago, I had an absolutely disastrous launch and I hadn’t done any mindset work at that stage, but it felt so personal. I felt so devastated from that launch, not going to plan that I was in absolute bits. I was sobbing on the couch for days. I like, I could not stop crying. It was literally like I was grieving the death of a loved one. Now I’ve also had another failed launch at another time where I’ve done a ton of this work and the way that I responded was a complete polar opposite. So the launch didn’t go well. And I was like, Oh, that really sucks, okay let’s go and have a look at what the data is telling us. Let’s work out what the next move is, since that didn’t go to plan. I did not shed a single tear and I’m not going to pretend that it was all sunshine and lollipops, yeah, you know, it having values, it always is hard, but when you’ve worked on your mindset, you aren’t spiraling. You are really starting to say, okay, what can I do with this information? What’s the lesson that needs to be learned here. And this is why the me mindset is again, far more powerful than marketing because it’s actually being able to program thinking, being able to navigate through challenges. Being able to up level and leverage when things are going well.
Some of the advantages of investing in your mindset is that you are going to make better decisions when you are stressed out, spiraling, depressed, whatever it might be, you are not making the smartest decisions. You’ll be doing things from a place of fear, lack, scarcity. When you are feeling confident and excited and inspired, think about how different the decisions you make when you are in that state are going to be.
The other thing that happens when you’ve worked a lot on your mindset is that you have more courage, and courage is such an underrated skill set that you need to have as an entrepreneur. The truth is, People who succeed do have values along the way. You look at the, all the billionaires on the planet, I assure you, they have made a ton of mistakes over the years, but courage is the ability to keep showing up anyway. Courage is when things don’t go to plan and you reframe it and say, okay, what am I going to learn here? What am I going to do next? It’s such an underrated skill. And again, this is why I truly believe that investing in your mindset is such a fantastic asset to have for you and your business in its longevity.
We’ve spoken a lot about what marketing is, what mindset is, and why I believe that mindset is my favorite place to invest for growth, coupled of course, with investing in marketing as well. So let me just take it a step deeper and talk about what does it actually mean to invest in your mindset?
Well, it can look like doing courses, I know that I’ve done a minimum of five courses around money, mindset, and manifestation, and also working with a mentor either in a one to one capacity or inside a group container. And again, I’ve done both of those things multiple times. Have a think about where you are really stuck in the area of mindset. Are you really needing some help with techniques and strategies? Are you needing help with actually practically applying mindset to your own business growth? And then you can work out what might be the way that you need to be supported to the next level. I love to do courses because All the information is presented together, but equally, I also love to do one on one coaching and get really tailored, customised support for me. So at different stages, I choose different ways to invest.
And the next knock on question, of course, is how do you find the right coach for you? So something that I would say, look for someone’s vibe. Do you find them inspiring? Does the way that they explain things make sense to you? Is their teaching style, motivating without being pushy? And last but not least, does their lifestyle, vision and values align with yours? You don’t want to be being coached or mentored by someone who simply isn’t wanting to head the same direction that you are, or that doesn’t have the same value set that you do because they’ll be trying to push things onto you that don’t sit well with you. So have a think about what that looks like as well.
To sum up today’s episode, both marketing and mindset are excellent ways to invest, to grow your business but I truly believe that investing in your mindset is the fastest way to get a return on your investment.
As I mentioned at the start of the episode, if you know, it’s time for you to work on your money mindset, make sure you check out the Profit Academy Accelerator, where you’ll learn how to break through your limiting beliefs, fears, and step into your most abundant self using proven frameworks and strategies. Remember that doors only open for just a few more days so if you have been eyeing it off, do not hesitate and go and click on the link in the show notes for today’s episode. Thank you so much for tuning into today’s episode of the Clare Wood podcast. I cannot wait to chat to you again next week.
* Transcript created by AI – may contain errors or omissions from original podcast audio