5 surprising hacks to fast track your manifestations

Are you wishing that your manifestations would come to fruition faster?

In today’s episode, I share five surprising hacks to fast track your manifestations and make them a reality quicker.


  • Using Reiki and Kinesiology as tools to shift energy
  • How scripting can help you make your dreams come true, quicker
  • Try delusional self-talk to step into your future identity
  • How a digital detox can help clear your energy
  • How teaching someone else to manifest can give you clarity on how to do it yourself


* Transcript created by AI – may contain errors or omissions from original podcast audio

 Are you wishing that your manifestations would come to fruition faster? In today’s episode of the Clare Wood podcast, I’m going to share with you five surprising hacks to speed up the rate at which your manifestations come to fruition.

 If you’ve been listening to the podcast for a while, you’ll have heard me talk about manifestation, about some of the ways that you can use the power of intention and action to bring into your life, the things that you desire, and maybe you are making progress, but you are wanting to try something different to make those things start to happen faster.

So I wanted to share with you some strategies that I have used to really shake up your energy around your manifestations.

So if you know my background, I am actually a qualified accountant, I’m a CPA, which means that I came from quite a, I guess, logical background. I was trained that things are black and white, and my journey into integrating spiritual tools into business, into the space of money only happened for me much later in life. I guess my first introduction was when my husband took me along to a meditation course when we were dating. And I remember feelings in my body thinking, whoa, this is kind of not what I was expecting. And that was sort of the first real experience I had into the world of, of woo.

And the next thing was that I went and did a manifestation course again, relatively early into my business journey. And I learned so much about money mindset. I learnt about how money works, how the law of attraction works, and how our subconscious beliefs actually play out into our mindset, which plays out into the results that we achieve.

Anyway, I digress, the reason I wanted to share all of that is because as I started to dip my toe into the spiritual side of business, I’ve started to try out a couple of different modalities to help clear some of the blocks and limiting beliefs that I have, both in the space of business and money and in other areas as well. And one particular tool that worked really well for me was around energetics and specifically using Reiki as a practice.

So the first time I did Reiki, I had no idea what to expect. I was having my chakras balanced and I was quite skeptical, I’m going to be honest. However, I had a really strong physical response To the healing as it was happening. I could literally feel my body warming up. I could feel involuntary actions happening in my body, even though the practitioner wasn’t actually touching me at all. They were holding their hands above me. I had my eyes closed and I could tell where they were, where they were holding their hands over, I could feel shifts happening in my physical body.

Another modality that I tried in the space of, of shifting energy in the body is kinesiology. And again, I’ve had varying responses to kinesiology depending on the practitioner and also on my own state at the point in time. It’s really been a really powerful tool for me in terms of shifting really big things inside my body. I’m certainly not an expert at, at Reiki. I’m certainly not an expert at kinesiology. I don’t even really understand how it works. So I’m not professing to be an expert in this space. But even if you’re a bit of a doubter, Like I was, why not just give it a try and see if it’s something that resonates for you. Because I was certainly surprised at how effective it was in helping me to shake up stagnant energy. And even physical symptoms that I was experiencing in my body. So if you’re wanting to fast track your manifestations and you feel like there might be something blocking you or holding you back, why not give it a try?

So the two things that I tried suggested Reiki healing and kinesiology. And another thing that I think is really important with a lot of these things is that you also try different practitioners, because I know for me that I’ve had really different responses to both Reiki and kinesiology, depending who it was that I was seeing. So maybe someone’s not the right fit for you, but maybe you can try a different practitioner as well and just see if it, if it’s something that works for you.

The next modality that I would love for you to try, if you are on a mission to make your dreams come true and you’re wanting to fast track the achievement of some of your goals, try this one, it’s called scripting. So scripting is the practice of journaling and specifically journaling what your life looks like at a future point in time. So I’ve been using this practice for many years, and it’s really incredible when I go and read back on some of my old journals, how many of the things that I scripted about have actually come true.

So something that I used to write about a lot was living in my home by the beach on the water, but I would write it in the current tense. So this was way back before this wasn’t my reality. I would write, I’m in my home. Out the back of our house is actual water. I have beach at the back of my home. It is so calm and so peaceful. There are no birds squawking or noises around. It just feels peaceful. I feel so happy and I feel so calm. The reason why I was writing particularly around the noise, at that point in time, I was living in a rental property next to a school. And anyone who’s ever lived next to a school will know, it is so freaking loud. The sound of kids, the traffic at school drop off, pick up, anytime there’s an event at the school, and the bells going off. And the biggest thing that used to irritate me was the crows. Because they were, it was a high school and kids obviously leave food lying around, and these crows would be all day when I was trying to work, when I was trying to record my podcast. And I used to just dream about a day when I would have peace and calm. So I scripted, I scripted about this life. What it would feel like details around, you know, what it would be like to be feeling calm and peaceful and, and happy and fast forward five years. This is my reality. Perhaps I don’t quite have the, the dream mansion here yet, but you know, our little house here, we’ve got water at the back of the house. I can go out and look at a beach and see fish swimming at the back of our house. It is so quiet and peaceful here. And this was literally a manifestation, a future version of me, that I once wrote about. So give it a try. Grab a journal and write your dream life as if it was your reality. Write it in the present tense, so if you’re wanting to find out, manifest your soulmate, write what it would be like. I am in a incredibly happy relationship. We feel so connected. There’s amazing chemistry between us. We support each other. My dream partner looks like duh, duh, duh, duh, duh. And I feel duh, duh, duh, duh, duh. Write it all out in as much detail as you can. And also, this isn’t an exercise that you do just once. You script about it again and again. And if you were going through this process, if you’re listening to this episode, make sure you date your journal entry as well, because I always find that super interesting.

Sometimes when we are in the process of creating our dreams of manifestation, it feels like it’s not happening. And the funny thing is the irony is when I look back on a lot of my manifestations, I think, that actually happened relatively quickly in hindsight. It didn’t feel like it at the time, but a few years later, you think, wow, I can’t believe how quickly my life changed. So definitely try that modality.

The next hack, the next thing that I would love you to try, if you’re wanting to really speed up your manifestations is a concept I heard, it worded like this. I hadn’t titled it like this, but I saw someone on TikTok describe it like this. And I love the term that they’ve used, which is delusional self talk. And what delusional self talk means is it’s basically about stepping into that future identity and really becoming that person.

I’ll tell you an area of my life that I did this in the area of self confidence, I went through a period of time and I’ve spoken about this on the podcast before about my journey into self love, but there was a period of time, years of time where I was really not loving myself. I was not feeling confident in myself, my body. I basically started this journey of delusional self love. And what I used to do was I would look in the mirror and I would say, I like this about myself. And at the start, it felt almost a bit, it didn’t feel really genuine, but the more and more that I did it, the more and more my confidence grew. I’m like, you look amazing. And people are always checking you out and you feel great in your body. And I fell in love with my, myself, my body again, through this process of delusional self talk. And the funny thing is with this concept is that you are speaking these things into reality. All we’re ever doing in this world is perceiving things.

You all already know this. Have you ever had the experience where two different people have exactly the same thing going on, and they both experience a very different version of it? You might have had two people have an argument, and you hear one person’s side of it. And then you hear the other person’s side of it, and you’re like, you were both in exactly the same scenario and you have had completely different perceptions of what’s going on. And the way that we use delusional self talk in the space of our businesses, our lives, is that we are starting to talk about this is, this is where my life is heading. This is what it looks like. We’re being almost delusional about it. And that’s the basis of how things start to change, is that we are stepping into a future version of ourselves. So how can you start to talk like and act like that future version of you? What do they dress like? How do they talk? What kinds of things are they doing and how can you actually internally dialogue that and even externally dialogue that.

Let me just share one quick example here. If you don’t know the backstory, it was part of my, my dream to have a waterfront home. And through the process of manifestation, we actually have purchased a waterfront home. I’ve got 18 meters of beach at the back of my house. However, we didn’t quite get the dream home. And in fact, we lovingly call our home, the beach shack. And he’s very small. It’s very old. When we bought our house, actually the real estate agent said, this one, it’s a knockdown or a knockdown. And we said, we need to live in it. And he said, that would work too. And you know, we’ve painted it. We put some new floorboards down in it. It’s nice and tidy, but it is, it is quite small and, and old. So we want to manifest the new dream house. Now it’s funny because we speak about the dream house so confidently that everyone in our world keeps asking us, why haven’t you built the house yet? Our neighbors are like, Oh, you know, when’s the house happening? We’ve been here two and a half years. And the reason why everyone doesn’t understand why it’s not done yet is because the confidence, which we speak about this house is delusional. I’m going to be completely transparent here. Our financial position is not one where we can afford to build a house right now. In fact, you know, it really is a stretch to be staying across the mortgage as is. So there’s certainly no pot of savings that’s building up yet. But the delusional part of it is that we keep moving forward as if this is a done thing. We talk like it’s a done thing. Our kids are like, why isn’t the dream house built yet? And we don’t say guys, cause we can’t afford it. That does not enter our vocabulary. We say it’s coming and they’re like, when? and we like, we don’t know, but it’s gonna happen. That delusional self-talk is stepping into that future version and saying, I am so confident that this thing is happening, that I talk about it like it’s a done deal.

Some other ways that you can do that, like dress the part, be the person, hang out with people, most of my friends are multimillionaires, and I’m never dishonest about my current financial situation with them, but people sense that energy about me. I’ve got that vibe that I attract those kinds of people into my life. So a delusional self talk, it’s a biggie. This is a good one. If you’re wanting to fast track your manifestations.

Alrighty. The next one is one that I did in a form recently and was absolutely blown away by how powerful it was because I didn’t realize the effect that this was having on me. And it was a digital detox.

We live in a day and age where we are checking our phones every couple of minutes. I bet you’re guilty of this. We are like, what’s going on in the news? Who’s liked my post on social media? What new emails have I got? Boom, boom, boom. We’re in a constant state of almost fight or flight. We are constantly looking for that next little dopamine hit. And I know that I am, have been, and probably still am at times, incredibly addicted to that dopamine him. I had a shaman on my podcast. I will link to the episode where I had her, the Royal Shaman, and one of the things that she spoke about. Was the power of silence of disconnection. And she actually said doing a 24 hour silent experience. Now I’m going to be completely honest with you. I still haven’t done that. I’m sure I could if I went away, but in our small house with my children, my husband running a business literally in the same room as me. Being in complete silence for 24 hours at this point in time, isn’t an option. But the reason that I highlight this is someone, who like her, is incredibly spiritual, incredibly connected to guides, says that we need to be quiet, to have our creativity, to have those, aha moments. And so I challenge you, if you’re wanting to fast track your manifestations is to disconnect. Can you go to the beach or go for a walk without your phone? Can you take a whole weekend off social media? What are some ways that you can start to get away from the noise that is the 3D world and reconnect back to source, soul, the universe and hear the messages that are trying to be sent to you. So a digital detox is another great way to speed up those manifestations.

And the last one that I want to share with you, this is a bit of an unusual one, but bear with me on this. It’s to teach others how to manifest. And maybe you’re listening to this episode from a space of Clare, I don’t even know how to manifest. How am I going to teach others? Bear with me on this. I guarantee you, you have manifested something in your life. There has been something that you once desired. There was once this big stretch goal that is now in your reality, heck, you might’ve even manifested something that you don’t want. Have you ever had that experience? I know that I accidentally have manifested things thinking, Oh my gosh, I hope the traffic’s not bad, please make the traffic not be bad, I bet the traffic’s going to be really bad. I’m sure the traffic’s going to be really bad, I need to leave early cause the traffic’s going to be really bad. And then guess what happens? The traffic’s really bad. Yeah. Have you ever had that experience?

So think of a positive way that you’ve used manifestation. Think of a way, there was something you desired. You really set your mind and your heart and your soul to this desire. And then you took action. You took steps towards it and then bit by bit, it got closer. And now that thing, that goal is in your life, you do know how to manifest. We are all manifestors whether we realize it or not. We are thinking things, we’re believing things, we’re taking actions or not taking actions and bit by bit, we are creating the life that is around us. So you know how to manifest. And I want you to really, really think about how exactly you’ve done it in the past. And then I want you to teach someone about it. So it might be your children. You know, if my kids say to me, mom, I want a PlayStation five, it’s a great little learning opportunity to say, great, here’s how you go about creating the things that you want in your life.

Number one, get the goal. Great. You’ve done that and take them through the process that you’ve done. One of the things that I say to my kids is, you know, part of manifestation, part of getting the things that you want is taking action and guess what, you guys could do, do chores around the house to earn some pocket money and their like, nah. It’s, it’s really funny watching children, watching their attitudes with things. And it’s, it’s so easy to judge them and laugh at them. And yet when it comes to our own manifestation, there are often times when we are doing exactly, that… oh, I know the steps that I need to take to create that outcome, but nah, can’t be bothered.

Anyway, I digress. The point that I’m trying to make here is that if you are wanting to fast track your manifestations, actually go and teach someone else. Might be a partner, might be a friend, and just say, I want to show you how I’ve manifested something in my life. Might be a client. The client says to you, I’ve had this experience, client says, I really want to do that thing, but I can’t afford to go, hey, have you ever tried manifesting the deposit? Here’s how I’d go about it. If there was something I really, really, really wanted, here’s how I’d go about coming up with a deposit to make it happen. And you can teach them. There’s so much power in teaching, and as someone, as a mentor, I’m obviously my days are spent helping teaching, mentoring other people. I’m learning as I’m teaching and in fact, I believe that teaching is one of the fastest ways to integrate something, to have reflections, to have your own aha moments is when you are telling someone else about how to go about that process. So teaching someone else how to manifest is a really, really powerful hack to speed up the way that you manifest in your own life.

So there you have it, five hacks to fast track your manifestations. If you are wanting to take this work deeper, please keep listening to the podcast I’m gonna be talking a lot about manifestation in the coming weeks, and I’m opening the doors to my course, the Profit Academy Accelerator, my ultimate mindset work course in just a couple of weeks. So please keep listening to the podcast. I’ll also be announcing my free money manifesting challenge very soon. And I’ll be sharing with you more ways that you can create your dream life.

Thanks so much for tuning into today’s episode of the podcast. If you enjoyed this one, do me a favor, please share it with your audience on social media, share it with a friend, and if you do share it on socials, make sure you tag me so I can send you a big thank you and say, thanks for helping spread the word about the magic that is manifestation.

Have a fabulous week. I’ll chat to you again soon.

* Transcript created by AI – may contain errors or omissions from original podcast audio


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