Building an abundance mindset in your business with Pru Chapman

Mindset is the biggest gamechanger when it comes to achieving amazing things in your business. In this episode, I chat with Pru Chapman, Founder and Head Hustler of Owners Collective, to talk about her journey to success. Pru shares how she started building her successful business, the biggest challenges she went through and how having an abundant mindset has fundamentally changed the results she has achieved.

In this Episode:

01:40: Pru shares why she created the Owners Collective
02:30: The importance of a community for business owners
07:30: The secrets to Pru’s success
13:39: The biggest challenge she went through in business
20:37: Pru’s journey to an incredible abundant mindset
28:27: Practical tips to manifest amazing things in your life
31:50: What’s next for Pru Chapman personally and professionally



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Pru’s Bio

Pru is passionate about helping people find more purpose, freedom and fulfilment in the work they do. She has worked with over 13,000 startups to date. She founded Owners Collective, an online community and resource platform for early-stage entrepreneurs where creativity, lifestyle and practical business know-how collide. She is also a speaker, professional mentor and the podcast host of One Wild Ride.



I am so excited to have today’s guest along. Today, we have joining us, Pru Chapman. Now, Pru was one of my very early mentors in my business. She’s the founder of Owners Collective. And she’s also got her own podcast, One Wild Ride, which is just amazing; I have to say, Pru. So, welcome.

Thank you so much for having me. I’m super excited to be here. 

Well, look, for anyone who’s listening along and who doesn’t know about the Owners Collective, do you want to share us a little bit about the program?

Yes. Absolutely. Absolutely. So, Owners Collective, it’s all about community, mentoring and education. So, I created it after coaching for a long time, just when I knew that business owners needed a little bit more from me. So, I created a space, where, exactly that; I could still mentor and do what I do. But it really have a big community component to it, and it’s just kind of grown and more after over time. And now, it’s just an incredible group of people who just support each other on their business journey. So it’s a lot of fun. That’s what I always like to do.

And I can definitely attest to that because I’ve been part of the Owners Collective. And I agree, like, one of the most powerful things that I enjoyed was the real sense of the tribe and connecting with other businesses owners. So I’d love for you to share with me; tell me why you think that it’s so important to have a community to be part of when you’re a business owner?

Yes. Great question. I think it’s so important because of the other option, which is not having it. And that’s definitely where I started my business from. So it’s a very first-hand experience. When I started my own business, I was just; I knew that I didn’t want to work for the man anymore. I knew that I really couldn’t work for anyone else. But I really didn’t have a whole lot of idea about running a business. And I didn’t know anyone else, like, I mean, not another person that was running their own business. This is going back good 10 years or so, now. Luckily, the landscape has really changed. But when I launched my business, I just; I found myself like I was working overtime, I was working late nights; weekends. I just constantly felt really isolated, like, I didn’t have anyone to talk to about what I was going through. Or, just all the highs and lows that come with business. So, now the lows, but also to celebrate the highs. It was like trying, like I really; I was going to Chamber of Commerce events; that’s all that there was back then. And just like really super random networking things. And I just couldn’t find my people. And so, the first few years were just really learning. It’s just like the work consumed me. I was really passionate about the work, but it just didn’t feel that great to run my own business.

So, when I launched Owners Collective as a brand and took my business online; initially, I was running programs and it was just about educating. Like, that was my main aim of the game was educating. And as a bit of a by-product from that, came this kind of sense of community, because I was putting people through programs. My first program was a mastermind program for 12 weeks. I was putting people through and we were all having this experience together. So my first program, I think was about 30 people in it; maybe a few less. And that just like; it was incredible to see how these group of people came together. They were from across Australia and New Zealand; they’ve never met face to face. And just the bond that bonds, and the support, and the camaraderie; it was just incredible. It kind of blew me away and something that I hadn’t anticipated. And even for me on that journey, I had an incredible connection to that community; and still, do. And also, I started working with a bunch of Mavericks to help deliver the program. And still, work with a lot of those Mavericks. And so, this kind of sense of community, it came out of nowhere and just swept me off my feet like a knight in shining armor. And from then on, I just realized that running a business could actually feel really fun and really great.  So, getting the work done, but also, making lifelong friendships; people that you shared vision and values and work ethic with. And yes, I just think it’s so important, not only for the success of your business but just for your overall happiness. Having people around who just get what you’re going through.

100%. And I think that’s a big thing that, I know I found, is that a lot of people outside of business just don’t really understand it. And it’s only other business owners that truly can relate to all of the struggles. And as well, you know the highs that you go through when you are running your own show. So, I couldn’t agree more with what you’re saying.

Yes. Absolutely. Absolutely. And I think, as well, like our family and friends around us, like it feels they are supportive. If we’re running our own business, they generally want to keep us safe so they play on the side or question. Whereas, as business owners, and entrepreneurs; we’re quite natural risk takers as well.


We’re really putting out there on the line, and taking financial risks, and taking emotional risks, and taking all these risks. And to have people that really have your back in those times when you need to risks things, I think is just; like it’s incredibly supportive. There’s such a place for family and friends in our journey, but also that aren’t necessarily; like they want to keep us safe and it’s not necessarily the best advice that they give us as well.

I think you’ve totally hit the nail on the head. And that’s why, to your point; that’s why they started communities. I’m just starting to really take off in the business space; so, so exciting that you’ve created one of your own.

Yes. Exactly. I think that’s what we do as entrepreneurs as well, isn’t it? It’s like; if we can’t find something out there then we end up creating it ourselves. And for me, back then, I mean, I started running on my own programs, must have been, probably five or six years ago, and now. And there just wasn’t community out there, all the way back then. So it’s just like such a joy to see how many; how much support there is in business owners these days. It’s like, online-offline; it’s really cool to see.

Yes. I couldn’t agree more. So the next question I wanted to ask today is that, as you know, you’ve always been a massive inspiration to me. You’ve achieved such amazing success with your business. What do you attribute your success to?

Bloody hard work. That’s what I attribute my success to.

Oh, there’s no magic pill that we can take?

If only there was; if only there was. And you know what, like to be really honest; I think people might actually believe that there is a magic pill. And I’m just going to just spell that like right now; there is no magic pill. I’m a big believer in hard work. And I’m a big believer that as a business owner, you need to do hard work. So, back in the day, I just would work on my business. Like night and day, I was so dedicated to it. I was so dedicated to my clients. I mean, I still am. And it’s just what it took; like there’s so many businesses out there. I think you need to be prepared to do the hard work; to put in the time; to get your business to stand out from the other businesses out there. And also, in those early stages, to really; to get to know your product or your service; to get to know your ideal clients; to really like, to stretch around a few different ways of working, whether it’s a one-hour session or a retainer session; what works for you; what doesn’t work for you. You know, if you’re building something online, to get prototypes out there or products; it just is hard work. And I think that’s one thing for me that I’d say, any success that I have is built on, is that I am not afraid of hard work. Like, I will just dig my heels in and work ‘til it’s time come home. I love my work and I love doing it. But definitely, yes; any success that I’ve had has always been built off the back of hard work.

And I think also willingness to take risks. When I think back about people that started their business around the same time that I did, and where I got to and where they got to, I think I was willing to put it on the line. And you know what, it scared the absolute, everything out of me; I was just willing to put it out there. And, you know then, my bank account didn’t look healthy for a really long time as a result of it. But, I just, I don’t know; like, there was no; giving up was just not an option for me. And failure was not an option for me either. Like, there’s no corporate-rich husband, and there was no rich family bank account or anything like that. So it was either; I just had to make it work. And I was prepared to do the work to make it work as well.

And I think that there’s so much power in what you’re saying because a lot of entrepreneurs talk about stepping back. I think that a lot of them forget about the hard jobs that they’re putting in there to get to that point.


I know there’s a massive movement at the moment about working less and working smarter. And, it’s not to discredit that at all, but behind all of those people; when you learn their back story, always learn that actually their early years, they were hustling. They were learning all those hard lessons. And they were putting in a hell of a lot of hard work to get to the point where they can and start to enjoy some of that flexibility outside as well.

Absolutely. And every successful business that I know, and I mean, like, I know some of Australia’s, as entrepreneurs, like to call them really good friend of mine; and they hustled. Like, they have all ventured up in a period of hustle. Like, they never; they made smart decisions, they got good support around them, they got good mentors. But they just dug in and did the work. And it makes you great at your craft. It also; also getting your early clients and getting a lot of them. That’s your marketing for you as well, and gets your name out there. So, there’s so many advantages to the hard work, and I just think like, if you’re not prepared to do the hard work, you just shouldn’t be in the game. Like, I’ve been doing this for ten years. And I hosted an event the week before last for 50 women. And you know, that night, I was sweeping the floors, and I was doing it with a smile on my face. Like, that’s what it takes. And I have no problem sweeping the floors; just as happy enough to get up at 7 o’clock, be leading group sessions at 7 o’clock the next morning, and be on the stage with them. Like, it’s all part of the game. It’s all part of the fun. And I think, there’s a lot of things that I think I agree with hustle less, slow more; but I’m a firm believer that you have to do the work to get there.


Yes, I just think it’s absolutely priceless.

Definitely. And I found something funny. You know, whenever you see someone and they’ve lost weight; and the first question you always say is, “How did you lose it?” And the answer is always, “By eating healthy and exercising.”


And I think this is kind of a bit the same with businesses, like, “Wow. How did you become so successful?” And it’s like, “Well, I just kept doing the hard things. And I kept doing them over, and over, and over again. And, you know, bit by bit, it kind of happened.”

Yes. Absolutely. And it’s just, there’s no really successful business that I know as well that had some fairy godmother flying and put a bucket load of cash on their desk. It’s just showing up every single day and doing the work. And I think, there’s definitely some smarter ways to do it. Like, you and I would both agree; like get a coach, get a mentor onboard because you can have an objective to look at your business as well. So that can definitely save you some costly mistakes either financially or time-wise down the track. But, yes, just be willing to put in the work. I really like that analogy actually, like, “How did you lose weight?” “Well, I ate good food. I exercise.” “How did you build your business?” “I work bloody hard. Like, how do you think I did?”

Yes. Well, ways looking for that pill of the quick fix these days. And I think that whenever you look at people who’ve done really well in business, they always sort of say the same thing.

Yes. It’s really true.

Now, look. We’ve spoken a little about all of the great stuff about your business. But what I want to do, let’s get real for a while. Because from the outside, as someone who has looked up to you for a while, it all looks very shiny and smooth sailing for you. Can you maybe share some of your biggest failures or challenges that you’ve had in business?

Great question. Great question. I don’t; and that sounds really cliché, but I don’t actually believe in the word failure in business. I just think you always learn something. Like some things go better than others, some things go downhill. You always have something to learn and it always happens for a reason. But when I think about, the kind of like failure thing, definitely; I think my most challenging time in business was probably when I went from offline to online. So I had been working as well on coach for many years and I was hustling really hard and that was definitely like; I was putting in a lot of hours and a lot of Ks just before online coaching, so literally driving in my car. And then I decided.

Love it.

Yes, I know. It was like, oh my goodness, I just can’t even, I used to have to put myself on mute to go to the toilet. Like, I was doing so much coaching on the phone. Anyway. But that was fine. When it became really challenging for me was when I went from offline to online. So, you know, a whole bunch of things happened in my life and I knew that I needed to start. And I was just also ready to leverage myself. I’ve gotten to that point. And so I was like, “Right. Build an online course. That’s what I’m going to do.” And like I said, it was five or six years ago. And I had personally never done an online course. And there wasn’t very many online courses around. So, I literally started building from scratch. And when I say building, I mean, like coding, like ridiculous. And to get my first online course, I had to just learn everything. I had to learn how to spring record, how to audio extract, how to actually host a course online, how to do graphic design; like everything had to happen. And it was really expensive.

So number one; I didn’t really know what I was doing. Like I had no idea actually what I was doing in the online space. Number two; I had no one to call on to help; so I had just to figure it out myself, because that time, I didn’t have a community. And number three; it was really expensive. So, to build my first online course, which, like I said, it was a 12-week mastermind program; it cost me in excess of $50,000. And that was just like…


What? I know, like…

Oh. Wow.

And now, you can actually, like, if you want to build an online course, there’s always course hosts…


…like Ruzuku, and Kajabi, and Teachery or Teachable; whatever they’re called. And there’s a whole bunch of them. So, I think it’s like $20 or $50 a month, you could place your course online. Those platforms didn’t exist when I built my first online course. So we had to build it on WordPress from scratch. Like, it was ridiculous. So, yes, it cost me about $50,000. And I was blocking, like honestly. Sometimes, 22 hours a day; just sleeping minimally.

Oh my gosh.

And it sounds so ridiculous now to say it. Like it was like some quest forever and it kind of felt like it.

It sounds like it.

But here I was. Like I knew, I had a vision for what I wanted to do. I really knew I wanted to check myself online. I didn’t know, like, no matter where I look, there was no one out there to help me. So, again, it just came back to that hard work, kind of ethic. And it was like, “Well, I’ve got my vision. I’ve got my goals. I know where I want to go. I’m just going to have to sit here and figure it out.”


And I remember, like, the first time I extracted audio from one of my online teaching, it took me about 8 to 9 hours to figure out how to do it and to do it. Now, I could show you how to do it now. And it’s about 7-second to process.


So, I think, back then, like that was probably my most challenging time in business. Just feeling super isolated; really passionate about what I wanted to do; having no idea how to do it. And also the financial stress of putting in all that money, which was every cent that I had to my name. And having no idea, like actually no idea, if anyone would buy it. Like, I just don’t do the whole data testing thing. I’m like, “You know what, if you’re really passionate about it. And I know that I’ll regret it if I don’t try it. So I just jump all in.” So, and that’s worked out.

So, can I ask a really vulnerable question about that? Did you make your money back off that first course?

No. No. Absolutely not.


Yes. So I had like, I had about 30; I can’t remember. I think, like, 27 or 30 people; I can’t really remember. It was around that number; so much to remember, actually. So, and it was, I think just over a $1000 to join; it was about $1200 to join. So I think I made about $30,000. So, I definitely didn’t make all that back. But what I came out of it with was, I had a 12-week program that I could sell in an unlimited capacity. Like, I could take ten people, a hundred people, a thousand people into that course. I had a killer brand, which is still my brand today; which is Owners Collective, and the look and feel that has always remained the same. I had an amazing design team. I finally found an incredible web developer. And so, all of a sudden, what I had was leveragable. So, no, I didn’t make the money back on that first course, but I have made it many, many, many times over since then. And that was because I was prepared to put myself in a really vulnerable position; financially, emotionally, spiritually, like everything ‘ly.’ And got out there and give it a shot. So…

I love that story. And I love; do you know one of the things that they say about successful entrepreneurs? They say, whenever there’s something that goes wrong, they always have a positive spin on it. Like, I learned a lesson out of it.

Yes. Totally.

It was the first step in the right direction for my business. So, it’s so cool that you’ve got such a positive spin on that challenging time that you went through. And, listening to that story; it sounds just; must have been so scary to sort of go and invest that much money in something not knowing if it was going to work or not. So, good on you.

Yes. Thanks. Actually, I remember having my birthday that year. And Pearl Jam were playing at The Opera House.

Oh. Wow.

And, yes, I know. Like, I love that band. It was my birthday. And I remember crying on Opera House desk because I didn’t have enough money to go in. I was like, “What? This is nuts.” But, like I said, it’s all been worth it and it’s got me to where I am now. So, super happy that I did it.

Yes. That’s awesome. And thanks so much for sharing with us.

Yes. Pleasure.

Look, one of the most life-changing moments, literally, in my life, happened for me on the Retreat that you run at the beautiful Palm Beach here in Australia, when you’re good friend, Krista, was presenting about abundance. And specifically, she was talking about financial abundance. So she was talking about swapping fear for faith. She was saying all of this woo-woo things, like, that the universe will deliver if you believe in it. And at the time, my mind was just ticking over because I just couldn’t wrap my head around it. But I was also so excited by the thought of it the same time. And I just couldn’t understand how you could just trust that money was going to arrive, when, particularly for me, at the time, it wasn’t there. So, you know, from there, I’ve actually gone on this journey; learning about abundance; about mindset. And that moment was I guess kind of the turning point for me. So what I’d love to have a chat to you about today is understand a little bit more about you. Like, have you always had that abundance mindset or is this a journey that you’ve been on yourself?

Oh my goodness that is hilarious. If only Krista would be, she’d be laughing her head off. So, if I just give you a small flash into my childhood; for a part of my childhood, I grew up in a town of like 40 people. So 13 kids go to the school, and on the weekends, we use to dig potatoes for fun. So if you can see abundance…

Sounds like so much fun.

If anything is going on in that situation, yes, absolutely not. So abundance is such a big topic and such an amazing topic and just; I wholeheartedly believe in abundance. Abundance is life, life is abundance. And it has been an incredible journey for me to get to that place. So, when I say that I grew up in the 80s when there was Recession; I’m sure you did.


And lots of your listeners did as well. My parents were school teachers, so there wasn’t a lot of extra money going around. And so, I grew up with a real scarcity mindset. And it’s something that really became apparent to me. I moved to London kind of in my mid-20s, and randomly, for a few weeks or months; it was months actually, I lived in a restaurant. And all of a sudden, I just saw these guys doing these incredible trades all the way around, like 5 million dollars, 30 million dollars. And it dawned on me, like, how much money there is in this world. Like, literally, if I lost 5 out of my pocket, I would have cried at that in my life. And they’d lose 5 million and they don’t even worry about it. So, it’s just definitely something, when it came into my awareness in my 20s, when lots of things kind of in our 20s, and it’s something that I worked on daily since then. And I mean, like, every day; I work on my abundance mindset. And it’s just, it’s such an incredible journey; like, I think you have those awareness moments like you did at the Retreat. And then, it’s just kind of this beautiful path that you can take of just; it’s almost like peeling back the onion, the layers of the onion; and just like the abundance is all there. It’s just whatever we put on top of into our belief system with our experiences that’s just covering that up. So, abundance is always there. It’s always available to us and it’s always accessible. And that’s kind of the journey I think for most of us is just peeling away this onion layers and finding what it is that’s actually walking me from receiving what is truly available to me at any given moment.

Yes. And I think, again, what your thoughts are. But for me, this has been another real journey, like hard work really. It didn’t like, you know, I said at that moment, I guess, was the start of the journey. But it really is, like it’s something that you constantly have to work on. And you start to get to a point where you’re in a really great flow and then something will happen and knock your mindset again. And, you know, you can fall back into that same old space again. So, I don’t know if you agree, but to me, it’s another thing, that it’s just hard work and you just have to keep working at it, really.

Yes. Totally, totally. I think so. And, something that I really come around to in the last kind of 12 months or so is, I’ve just, I mean, belief systems are completely made up, right? So if any of you are listening, you know about me Clare, I used to, I got a Psychology degree and I’ve practised as a Psychologist early on.


So, you know, we are walking around just like we have this little belief systems that we made up when we were kids. And so, basically, your belief system about the world and about how it operates, and about what you’re capable of, and about what you have access to; it is completely made up. And so, if something’s completely made up, then I think, if you want a better belief system, just make up a better one. It’s going to be as simple as that.


And so, I’m getting around in the last 12 months, which is really working out for me; telling myself that life is completely rigged in my favour. Like everything that happens, it is completely rigged in my favour. And it’s amazing when you actually flicked that kind of switch and start looking at life through that lens, I think it’s just like, it’s really cool. Because maybe, you got your coffee and they gave you a single shot when you asked for a double shot. Well, you know what, the single shot is actually better for you than the double shot. So, life is rigged in your favour. Maybe, you get thrown a couple; like maybe a client doesn’t pay or something like that. That’s like, okay, well, if life is rigged in your favour maybe it’s showing you that you need to upgrade your invoicing system. Or you need to put in that before it costs you a $100,000 instead of $1000. So if we kind of look at it, like life I think is just continually giving us these opportunities, these invitations; to change, to up-level, to connect deeper with that abundance and with everything that it has to offer. So if you want like a little hack for the listeners out there; life is always completely rigged in your favour. And it kind of makes it quiet a joy to go through. I think it’s actually quiet hilarious, the things I get thrown in a day. Just, I’ll be like, “Aha, I see how this could work for me. Like, nice try. You didn’t get me this time. I see how this works. You can try again.” So, yes.

I love that. And it’s funny, too, once you sort of start to have that gratitude about things that maybe other people could perceive aren’t necessarily positive experience. What tends to happen is that you then are attracting these crazy, amazing things that happen as well. I definitely know, you know, I did a little Instagram story the other day. I went to the mailbox and I said, “Oh, cheque’s in the mail.” Now, no one get cheques in the mail, do they? I cannot remember the last time I got a cheque in the mail. I opened up the mailbox, and I swear to God; there was an $80 cheque from ANZ. And I had to have a bit of giggle at myself, and I thought well next time I’ll know to ask for more. Be a bit more specific with what I want. But, it’s funny how you sort of just actually start to attract all these incredible things into your life when you really start to believe that everything is rigged in your favour.

Yes. Totally. It’s like, just change the lens. Change the lens to what you want to see and you’ll find it.

Definitely. Oh, I love this. Okay. So, anyone who’s listening and thinking, “Okay, ladies. This is all very well and good.” But, you know, what are some practical steps; obviously there’s the first one, which is to put a positive lens on everything that happens; look for the learning in it. What are some other tips about how people can manifest some amazing things in their life and in their business?

Yes. So I think like there’s just so many resources available to us. One, I’m actually, really; so, like, I mean, books, meditation. Like, I just like pound my mind with this stuff, like when I’m driving; I listen to a podcast about it, or I listen to an audio book. If I’m at home; I’m reading, I’m watching a documentary, I’m constantly pounding myself in this stuff. And I think if you really want to make some significant change around this and you know you’ve got some deeply imprinted scarcity, then that should be your approach. Like total immersion.


So I think like a really great resource or a great place to start is a book by Jen Sincero called You Are a Badass at Making Money. Just because what she talks through is; she’s a great writer, it’s just like a matrix upward of information. And she actually reads her books; she’s really credible and engaging and funny. But she also really addresses what everyone needs to address; and that is, that everything is fully available to you. But there’s something that happened in your childhood, like you’re major belief systems when you’re a kid. So you try to bring awareness and try to bring light on those first, “Okay. What did I make up back then that works for me? Great. What doesn’t work for me? Oh, I can only earn $60,000 because that’s what my parents earned.” Actually, I’m going to call BS on that. So I really like her because she shines a light on, you need to actually uncover the blocks first before you can then be open to the abundance. That’s kind of how this stuff works. So, I really start with her book. I think it’s really great. And then honestly, like any kind of guided meditation about abundance; like there’s lots of books. I think there’s one called Money: A Love Story by Kate Northrup. And there’s another one; I can’t remember it but I have to shoot it through to you. But there’s quite a few if you just look up money and abundance and even women; there’s like so many courses, books, audios, podcasts available now. So I would say, just like humble yourself, and trust your intuition as well. Actually, I start listening to something and go scroll some podcast; you’ll find the one that’s right for you now with where you’re at. So just be really consistent with it; that would be my main tip.

Great tip. And I love what you said there; too, about just go with what feels right because I know for me, sometimes there’s been something that just isn’t really connecting with me, perhaps. And then, I might go back and visit it at a later stage, and suddenly, I’m like, “Wow. This is amazing.”


But I wasn’t quite ready for it at an earlier stage; so I love what you say, just follow what feels right for you at any one point in time.

Yes. Exactly.

Well. We’ve got pretty deep there.

I love it. Straight in.

Yes. Just go straight for the hard stuff. Look, to wrap up, what I’d love to ask you, what is on your vision board right now? So what’s next for Pru Chapman, both personally and professionally, for the Owners Collective?

Good question. Good question. So, I do love my vision board actually; I was just looking at my vision board today. And I ticked a bunch of it off. I just got back from a trip from California, which is amazing. I just launched my podcast, which is cool. So I need to get some more stuff out there actually. So definitely, more travel for me. Like I’ve spent a little too earlier.

You hardly ever travel. It looks to me like you’re travelling all the time. But I guess…

I think I just tell the story really well. No, I definitely do need to get on the road a little bit more. Also, that’s where my inspiration and creativity comes from; so the more that I can switch off. And also, like that is my entrepreneurial journey. I don’t want a big office in Silicon Valley or anything crazy like that or any parts of it actually like in Bonne Bay. So for me, it’s really about travelling and taking my work on the road. So, that’s definitely on there. And then, as you’ve mentioned, I just launched my podcast, which is One Wild Ride. So that’s really fun. It’s not a business podcast; it’s more about diving deeper into living among meaningful life. And I feel like that’s just, with my background in Psychology, and all the work that I’ve done. Like it feels really nice to go back and play in that place and just be speaking to a bunch of different people about things like meaningful work, yes, but positive impact and connection to one another. Like some of these really big topics that I’m just loving; so yes, that’s fun. And then, Owners Collective; really, I simplified our model this year. So I’m just running our high and hospice program, which we only do twice a year. And so that will be coming up for the second half of the year as well. So yes, it’s pretty simple; I got the podcast, some travel, and high-end hustlers; and I’m like, that’s kind of my sweet spot for this year. Just living and loving it.

That sounds amazing. And it’s so great to watch your journey. And anyone who wants to follow along with Pru’s journey, come and check her out on Instagram at either @pruchapman or @ownerscollective.


Pru, thank you so much for joining us. Anyone who does want to learn a little bit more about Pru, I’ll be putting all of the links in the show notes so that you can find out a bit more about the Owners Collective or her podcast, One Wild Ride. And Pru, thank you so much for joining us today.

My absolute pleasure. So much fun.

Awesome. Talk to you soon. Bye.

Thank you so much for joining me today. If you enjoyed this episode, please make sure you subscribe to receive future episodes. And I’d be so grateful for a review on Apple Podcast. If you’d like a copy of the show notes or any of the links mentioned today, please jump over to Have a wonderful week. And I look forward to chatting to you again, soon.


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