How my client made $30k+ with a single email

In this episode, I dive into the details of how a single email I wrote for one of my private coaching clients is on track to generate $30k in sales! 
If you want to know how you can create a similar result, tune in as I break down the key components that made this email so powerful. Whether you’re looking to boost your sales or attract new leads, these strategies can transform your business.


– Discover how weaving a personal story into your emails helps create instant connection and trust with your audience.

– Learn why providing a clear next step in your emails is crucial to guiding your audience towards taking immediate action

– Understand how incorporating genuine urgency can encourage your audience to act fast without using manipulative tactics.

– Find out how removing perceived risks in your offer makes it easier for people to say “yes” to your products or services.


* Transcript created by AI – may contain errors or omissions from original podcast audio

[00:00:00] One of my clients has said to me multiple times, since I pushed send on that email you drafted, my phone has literally not stopped ringing. So, I thought I’d share in today’s episode of the podcast, why that one email was so effective and the key components. So that you can use these elements to attract new client leads today. 

This podcast episode is about one of my private coaching clients. Now they do have a high-ticket business, which means that for each sale they make, it is a significant amount of money. And I named $30,000. I said that this one email will bring in $30,000 worth of sales. To be honest, I suspect it will be even more, but this was just a conservative estimate of what will come off the back of just one email. [00:01:00] So I’m really excited to share with you why this email was so effective and how you can use the same components to create sales in your own business. Now, first of all, let’s address the elephant in the room. You might be wondering, why are you writing an email for your client Clare? 

Look, something I do really different as a coach. I don’t just blow my clients up with smoke and give them a bunch of go think positive. I am literally happy to get in the weeds with my one-on-one clients. So sometimes I help write sales pages. I write email copy, in our calls we’ll sit and brainstorm a tonne of social media content ideas. 

Like I really want to get into the detail with my clients. Yes, Mindset is one of the most important components, but actually knowing exactly what to do is incredibly important too. And I really am one of those [00:02:00] coaches that I want my clients to get the absolute best results. So I’m happy to get my hands dirty, get involved and I truly believe that this level of support is what helps my clients to get such great results.  

So this was an email that we drafted to send out to their database to try and bring in new opportunities. So let me share exactly why this email was so effective. I’m not kidding when I said earlier, my client has said to me again and again, my phone has seriously not stopped ringing. 

My email inbox is blowing up. I’m getting email after email. I seriously can barely get back to everyone. So why exactly did this email have such an impact? The first thing that was used is the power of storytelling. If you are subscribed to a lot of people’s email lists, like [00:03:00] I am, you will get hit with a tonne of crap. 

A lot of people email, they’re like, blah, blah, blah, or they might be educating you, it’s just quite fact based. The thing about storytelling is that it creates relatability. It makes it more memorable. It’s about building trust and grabbing attention. And this is exactly how we started this email. 

When we’re telling a story about my client’s own circumstances. Instantly people can connect with that and say, Oh my gosh, that sounds like me. I can relate to that. It creates that level of trust straight from the outset. The next really important element was clarity around the action to take. 

Have you ever had the experience where you’ve watched someone’s social media content? Or read an [00:04:00] email and you’re like, yeah, that sounds really great, but you aren’t exactly sure what they want you to do next. You’re like, do I sign up for this thing? How exactly do I get in touch with you? I know I’ve seen brilliant marketing campaigns, but it wasn’t super clear what the next step to take was. 

And in this email, it was incredibly clear. If this sounds like you, if you’re feeling like this, send me an email or give me a call. And here’s my number. So there was no grey area around what it looked like. It was very clear. Here’s what you are to do. If you’re ready to take the next step. The next component of the email was one of urgency. 

So, we articulated the power of taking action now. We remind them what it costs to wait and why it’s important to leap on an opportunity when it arises rather [00:05:00] than to sit back and wait. So an example of this, I’ll be talking about my retreat soon. And one of the things that I’ll do is when the spots are nearly sold out, which I’m sure they will, I’ll be letting people know on my email list or my social media. 

I’ll say, Hey, there’s so many spots left and you’ll miss out. Humans are funny creatures. Like sheep in some respects. We want to do what everyone else is doing. And also we will take action when we have to, particularly if your audience has a neurodiverse people, me being an entrepreneur, I’ve got a lot of entrepreneurs in my audience and a lot of them have ADHD. 

So they tend to leave things to the last minute. I know that I am so shocking at this. I will be wanting to buy something or wanting to do something, invest in something and I’ll be sitting back watching. And then when I find out you’re about to miss out or the discounts about to disappear. Or you’ll [00:06:00] miss out on coming to the retreat. 

That’s when I go, I’ve got to take action now. So having the sense of urgency. Now, one thing that I do want to specify here in terms of ethical marketing and consent-based marketing, please do not fake urgency. I think that’s incredibly unethical and not a great way to run a business long term. 

So, if there is a genuine sense of urgency, if the discount is disappearing, if the spots are disappearing, if there’s a genuine reason that you can incentivise people to take action now, talk to that, because that will likely encourage people to take action sooner rather than later. And it doesn’t have to be something disappearing necessarily. 

It can just be like, Hey, here’s a really good reason why you want to do this thing now and not wait. The final component of this email that made it so effective in people taking action is [00:07:00] a risk reversal. So, a lot of times the reason people don’t take action is because of the perceived risk of taking action. 

What if I buy this thing and I don’t like it? What if I make the phone call and it doesn’t work out? So, people have that natural fear that holds them back from taking action. So a risk reversal is saying, Hey, if you buy this thing. And it isn’t perfect for you. I will give you all of your money back. In this client’s particular circumstance it was like, “Hey, you don’t have to pay a cent if this isn’t the right fit for you”.  

So basically what you’re saying is you’re removing any of that perceived risk. You either remove or reduce the risk. And what this does is it increases the chance that your potential customers will take action [00:08:00] if they think, okay, if I do this and it’s not right for me, I know that I’m not going to be exposed to this huge amount of risk.  

So that might be an opportunity as well. So this email had all of those key components, the power of storytelling, clarity around the action to take. A sense of urgency, a reason why the people reading should take action ASAP and risk reversal. 

So this is just an example of how you can use this. My client is obviously stoked with this outcome, although they are now very busy and my client is absolutely confident that this will lead to tens of thousands of dollars of sales and new business for them. Now I know the numbers might be a little bit different for your business, but I’m willing to bet that there is opportunity for you to [00:09:00] reach out to your audience with some of these components with an offer and potentially calling more sales right now. 

As I mentioned at the start, this is for one of my private coaching clients. Primarily my private coaching clients are multi six to seven figure business owners. It is a really highly supported way of working together, but I do have other ways that you can work with me as well. I have an upcoming retreat, which is going to be an immersive two days, where we’ll be looking at 2025 and how you can create success in your business next year. 

And I’ve also revamped my VIP offer, which is a way that we can work together one on one. There is support for a whole month after the day as well. So if you do want to find out more about what it looks like to work together, please do reach out to me. I’ll pop a link in the show notes for today’s episode. 

If you’re keen to find out more about the retreat [00:10:00] or how we can work together on growing your business. It’s been such an honour and a privilege being able to share with you today a little bit of behind the scenes of one of my clients successes. And here is sending you so many positive vibes that you can go and implement these strategies in your business to attract in some sales as well.  

If you do, please drop me a DM or an email and let me know. I’m always delighted to celebrate success of people, whether they’re my paying client, or, often I get emails from people just from listening to this podcast, they go and implement things and have huge wins in their business. 

And I love to celebrate that as well. So please do let me know if you have any success in this space. All right, thanks so much for tuning in to today’s episode of The Clare Wood podcast, and I can’t wait to chat to you again next week. 

* Transcript created by AI – may contain errors or omissions from original podcast audio

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