How to have a quantum profit leap

You’ve heard of quantum leaps, but how can you use those same principles to grow your bottom line?

In today’s episode, I share how you can expand your profit in unimaginable ways this year.


  • What is the compound effect illusion?
  • The 3 phases of Quantum Profit Leaping
  • Why leaping doesn’t look like a single breakthrough moment.


* Transcript created by AI – may contain errors or omissions from original podcast audio

 If you are ready to have a big leap in your profitability, today I want to dissect what actually creates those moments when business owners leap from five, 10 K months to 50 K months, or from six figures to seven figures often in what seems like an instant to the outside world. So over the years, I’ve had many clients who have 2x, 3x, and even 4x their business profitability. And in today’s episode, I’m going to share how.

 If more profit excites you, I am so excited to share that I am doing a series of workshops across most capital cities in Australia in February and March. This is called the business breakthrough roadshow. These full day workshops are unlike anything I’ve ever seen before. A blend of mindset and real life strategy to help you blow up your business. These workshops are for established service based creative businesses. So unfortunately, if you’re in the early stages of business, these are not for you because we are getting deep and heavy into growth strategies. Now, I haven’t got the final landing page done at the time of recording. So please make sure you’re on my mailing list and following me on social. So you find out about it and don’t miss out. This is by far um, the best training I have ever created. And these trainings, these workshops are being sold next to nothing. So I would love to have you in the room. We can hang out. And most importantly, we can work on your business together. One day of your life could potentially change the entire trajectory. So please keep your eyes peeled for the business breakthrough roadshow. If you’re outside Australia, my apologies, it might be worth flying over, use this as an excuse to come and visit us down under.


 All right, let’s dive into how to have your quantum profitly. So the first. The first place that I want to start is with something called the compound effect illusion.

So the first myth that we need to shatter is that quantum leaps are random or magical. They’re actually the result of what I called the compound effect illusion. Now think about this like a bamboo plant. Now, if you’re not familiar, basically the way that it works is for years, a bamboo plant is growing this like extensive root system underground.

You can’t see it. And then what happens about the fifth year is that it suddenly shoots up like it shoots, you know, meters and meters and meters in the air within a matter of 68 days. So to the outside world, it’s like. It’s done nothing for ages and now, boom, it’s exploded. And I bet you’ve seen business owners like this, like they’re just ticking along and then suddenly you’re like, Whoa, your business is just absolutely blowing up.

Now it looks like luck or it looks like it’s happened really quickly, but actually the overnight success that you see, they are just the bamboo shoots that have finally broken ground and exploded. This is what can happen for you. You can actually engineer these breakthroughs by understanding the three phases of quantum leaps.

So let me break this down phase one, I call this the foundations paradox. Now this is where honestly most business owners stay stuck because they aren’t willing to undertake the foundations paradox. Now let me explain why I’ve called it a paradox because to achieve the foundations paradox to move through this phase, basically you need to move backwards.

To move forward. Now to talk about this process, I’m going to talk about a client of mine. Um, her name was Sam. Now Sam ran a digital marketing agency. And when we first started working together, she was running herself absolutely ragged. Like she had so many clients, like over 20 different clients, all at a low price point.

Now her revenue, she was stuck at eight K months. So the work that we did together was to go through and redefine her product offering. Now what this meant was that there was no longer an alignment for a significant group of her existing clients. And when we implemented her new product offering with a lot of mindset support, Sam actually lost a third of her clients.

Now, I know this sounds scary, right, but here’s where it gets good with the new structure. We had created. She actually kept the same business profitability that she had before with a third less clients. So the foundation paradox phase is about doing something. It can often mean going backwards, even financially backwards, short term here’s some examples of what this big action might look like.

It might look like hiring a team member in the short term. There’s a hit to your profit because you’re now paying money out and your profit actually declines in the short term. It might look like joining a mastermind or hiring a coach. I know the first time that I made a big investment into a mentor to a mastermind, it was a big hit to my profit at the time, but what happened was that my profit short term went backwards and then it astronomically exploded.

My business doubled in the coming six months. Another example of this is what my client Sam did firing misaligned clients. Like actually getting the core foundation of your business structure, right? So that you can start to move forward. But here’s why most business owners get stuck here. It’s because they don’t have the mindset and the confidence to actually implement the process of going backwards.

It’s too scary to let go of a good thing at the moment. With a hope or a vision for something bigger. So this is where I spent a lot of my work with my clients is in this area, helping them to get past the fear of holding onto good. When I know that they can have. Extraordinary. And so it’s that fear that keeps most business owners stuck.

The next stage. So once you’ve done that big scary thing and got the foundations laid, the next phase is what I call the expertise expansion. So let me. Talk about this. Let me share a little about Sam. Actually, we’ll come back to Sam. So Sam had fired, not fired, Sam had restructured her business model and lost a third of her clients.

She was still making the same amount of money, as I mentioned, with a fraction of the work. So she now had all this extra time. And we’re still earning the same amount of money. And because she had this extra capacity, she could scale. She had more time. So she could scale and earn a ton more money. And here’s where her story takes an unexpected turn because she had all this extra time and capacity.

She could actually start to think strategically. About working on the business instead of just being go, go, go, go, go in survival mode. So she realized that she couldn’t be doing all the work for all her clients all the time. And this is where we developed her scaling strategy so that she could leverage her time and skill set to serve more clients without burning out.

This is where it got really cool. She was earning more money without having to do Extra work. Now, when it comes to scalability, there are many ways that you can achieve this. I am not a coach. He’s like, everyone needs to do X, Y, Z. I truly believe that every business is different. Every business owner is different.

Every market is different. So we need to figure out a scaling strategy that is aligned for you in your business. Now, if you come along to my business breakthrough roadshow. I’ll be sharing more about this at the Road Show . So like I said, make sure you grab a ticket, come along. But the important thing to take away from this episode is that phase two is about your expertise and really being able to expand that. So that’s why phase two is called the expertise expansion.

Alrighty. Phase three, this is. The integration intensity, and this is where the quantum leap actually happens. This is, it’s, it’s not enough to have your methodology and your foundations there, because let me break this down with a controversial truth.

What I’ve observed after working with hundreds of clients over the past nine years, Is that the businesses that experience quantum leaps are the ones that master the integration with confidence. Here is what integration looks like. Number one, a deep client understanding. What you need to do is become obsessed. With your client’s problems, their pleasure points, and how you can improve their experience, solve their problems. At the right price point, it’s very critical that right price point, you might have the solution, but it’s not aligned to where your ideal clients at the next stage of integration.

The next thing that’s important to note in integration is mindset. Shit is going to happen. Clients are going to leave. You are going to encounter cashflow issues. Haters are going to say awful things about you online. You’re going to get bad reviews. Some clients might even take legal action against you. There’s a reason why everyone doesn’t run a business. It’s because it’s bloody hard.

And this is why. Your mindset needs to be the biggest thing that you work on and invest in as a business owner. You have to have a sense of unwavering self belief and purpose. There are going to be times where you think, I can’t do this anymore. And this is where your mindset comes into play. Remembering why you got started, coming back to that greater purpose.

That you are running your business for. And the last part of this, and this is really stepping into scalability into impossible, unimaginable success. If you really want to have a massive quantum leap, a big business breakthrough is your methodology development. And this is where a lot of business owners.

Get wrong. A lot of times you, the director, the CEO, you are the engine hub of the business. Everything depends on you. Things stop with you. And let’s just say that the methodologies are not well documented. This is a big problem because if a key person in your team leaves, Or if you become unwell or unable to work, for some reason, everything crumbles and effective business is a machine that runs regardless of the key players.

And this is why having your methodologies. To be able to scale is so important. So the reality of a quantum leap, if you are wanting to create a quantum leap right now, if you were like, I want to be making a hell of a lot more money than I have been, a profit leap actually looks like this. It’s not a single moment of breakthrough.

It’s more about laying foundations and doing this work again and again and again, and continuing to take steps and momentum forward. The decision to change to have the breakthrough can happen in a micro moment, but the actual quantum leap comes from the steps that you are laying down those solid roots that the bamboo tree is silently growing underground to then have this moment where it all appears to happen really quickly.

It’s not magic. It’s mechanics. So let me leave you with this. A quantum leap isn’t about working harder. It’s about having the courage to do things differently, to go deeper, to deliberately disappoint some people so that you can extraordinarily serve others. That is all for today’s episode. If this episode resonated with you, I’d really love to hear your biggest takeaway.

So if you can screenshot this episode on your phone right now, share it to Instagram and tag me clare_wood_coach. Tag me with your biggest aha moment, because if this has inspired or connected with you, I’m sure there are people in your audience that need to hear this message as well.

And please, like I said at the start, the business breakthrough roadshow is coming to a capital city. Near you in Australia, please keep your eyes peeled on my socials. Come and grab one of the freebies. I’ll pop a link in the show notes for today’s episode so that you can be on my email list to hear all the details.

I would love to meet you to spend a day hanging out in person and to be really helping you to create your big profit quantum leap. Thanks for tuning in today. And I can’t wait to chat to you again next week on the podcast. Have a great week.

* Transcript created by AI – may contain errors or omissions from original podcast audio


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