Making massive leaps in your income with Suzy Ashworth

Do you have the belief that growth in business has to be linear? That your business should grow at a sensible growth rate?

In today’s episode, I chat with Suzy Ashworth, who will blow these beliefs out of the water by sharing the concept, quantum leaping. We dive into how she achieved rapid growth in a short period of time and how you can do the same.

In this episode:

01.54: All about Suzy
06.40: Suzy’s business growth
09.06: Using visualisation and investing wisely to grow your business
16.37: What is Quantum Leaping?
22.44: The 4 Pillars of Quantum Leaping
35.48: Suzy’s best advice for ‘$50,000 Suzy’


Suzy’s Bio

Suzy Ashworth is a mum of three, seven figure serial entrepreneur, Hay House author, international keynote speaker, quantum transformation and embodiment coach, and believer in miracles. Her superpower is helping female entrepreneurs like you create six figure breakthroughs in your business fast, so that you can expand into limitless living and create an incredibly positive difference in the world.

With work that has been featured in Forbes, Grazia and The BBC she supports her global client base to create magnetic messaging that helps them to magnify their income, and their impact, as they build heart centred networks of loyal fans and clients across the world.

Over the last 7 years Suzy has supported thousands of female entrepreneurs who have wanted to make a difference through online and in person mentoring.

She runs a number of retreats and events including Limitless Live, an annual one-day event which connects, inspires and motivates women into taking themselves and their businesses to the next level of success.



Do you have the belief that growth in business has to be linear? That your business needs to grow at a sensible growth rate? Today’s guest, Suzy Ashworth, blows all of this out of the water by sharing the concept of quantum leaping, which is that you can have massive income leaps, and she has proven it herself. We dive into her huge growth in her business and how she was able to achieve such rapid growth in a short period of time. And she shares exactly how you can do the same.


Hello, and welcome to the The Clare Wood Podcast, where myself and incredible guests share about money mindset, financial successes, and how to manage your money in a fun and practical way to create wealth and abundance in both your business and your life. I’m your host, Clare Wood. I’m a business coach and a money mentor. I strongly believe that money has the power to positively change the world. I can’t wait to help you transform your mindset around money, create a love of numbers, and build the business of your dreams so you can live a life of financial freedom, giving, and global impact.



A big warm welcome to The Clare Wood Podcast, Suzy Ashworth. How are you doing Suzy?


I am great, Clare. Thanks for having me on.


Thanks so much for coming. This isn’t the first time we’ve chatted. I’m excited to be talking to you again though, because today we’re going to be diving into the money side of business and particularly talking about how you have transitioned your business. So, super excited to get stuck in. But before we do that, let’s dive into a little bit more about Suzy. Tell us a bit about your background, how you got to where you are, and yeah, what exactly it is that you do.


All about Suzy


I have been an entrepreneur for seven years now, which when I say that, I’m like, “God, I feel almost like a veteran.” I started off in hypnobirthing actually. And for everybody who’s like, “What the heck is hypnobirthing?” It is all about supporting mothers and their partners to have calm and positive birth experiences. And that really was the gateway to everything that I now do. I did a hypnotherapy and a psychotherapy diploma, and then I was like, “Oh my God, now I need to run a business and I’ve got no idea how to do that.” And so I signed up for a program called B-School, and within three weeks of doing that program, I had the idea for the The Calm Birth School. And I teamed up with somebody and we brought this course to the world and I thought it was going to be the biggest thing ever.


And what was really interesting is that actually, I found that I enjoyed the marketing and the selling and the learning about how to really build a platform and attract people into my offerings more than how I enjoyed talking about babies and vaginas and births. Every spare minute I had, I was looking at marketing books. I was not interested in the birth books, and all of my peers were like, “I’ve read this book and that book and this book and that book,” and I was like, “That doesn’t interest me.” And that was the seed that was telling me that actually, maybe I should be doing something else.


And then what happened was people started asking me, “How have you built this business? How have you made such inroads into the birthing market so quickly?” And pretty quickly, I started teaching people, birth professionals, primarily how to build their birthing businesses using online and social media to create a presence and attract new clients. And that really was the start of where we are today.


And where are we today?


Where are we today? So, today I am a quantum transformation and embodiment coach. I work with female entrepreneurs helping them to create six and multiple six figure breakthroughs in their business really fricking fast. So, yeah, that’s what I do. And this year, the business crossed the seven figure mark. We’ve done actually in terms of sales, over £1.52 million in sales this year, and that is just crazy amazing. Love that.


It is crazy amazing. But before we dive into that, there’s a few other little things that you haven’t shared. You’re also a podcaster-




A published author, and a jelly wrestler.


How did you know that? Did I tell you that the last time we spoke?


No, I just did a little bit of stalking of what is that all about? What the hell?


That is misspent youth. That is my time… Before this incarnation, I was a young and frivolous globe trotter. And I spent some time in Amsterdam and one of the interesting positions I found myself in once quite literally in a bikini wrestling for the United Kingdom. I say that kind of loosely because it wasn’t like Miss World or any kind of glamorous… I don’t know if jelly wrestling could ever be glamorous, but any kind of like proper competition, but I was representing the UK as a jelly wrestler. And I think I probably lost. But yeah, that was back in the day.


Don’t we all have some hilarious stories from our past?


I have so many.


Especially the traveling days. I haven’t really shared many of mine on the podcast, but maybe one day I will. Anyway, and now you’re a mom of three, running a hugely successful business. And yeah, let’s chat a little bit more about that. So you’ve just mentioned that you’ve hit over £1.5 million in your business this year. Did that happen quickly or has this been something that’s developed in your business over a period of time? Like you said, you’ve been in business for seven years now.


Suzy’s business growth



I think the answer to that is yes and no. So the reality is that I’ve been in business for seven years, and some people would argue to hit £1.5 million in sales and it takes seven years, and that’s obviously £1.5 million this year, as opposed to collectively, then it’s taken a while. I think what’s interesting about my story is that 2019, I had made £420,000 in sales. And so to triple your business when you are at this level, that is quick. And I also had six years worth of working it out in order to get to this space. So yes and no. I think it would be really interesting to come back and visit you next year and see if I’ve tripled or quadrupled like four X my business again, because that’s the target.


And do you know what’s so interesting? And I find myself doing this all the time, is when we’re playing in different circles, we start to figure… Like when you’re like, “I know that it hasn’t been fast growth,” I’m like, “Suzy, are you crazy? Most people dream of this.” It’s like when we talk about these kind of numbers, this is an annual revenue number that most people will never achieve in their life. But I know exactly what we’re talking about because the circles that you mix in, it starts to become, well, of course, I’ve got a seven figure business. That’s just how we roll. But the reality is that it’s actually only a very small percentage of business owners that do achieve such amazing things. So don’t take anything away from that. I think it’s incredible that you’ve done it. And I think in a short period of time, Marie Forleo didn’t even turn a profit in her business for, was it eight years I think? Yeah.


Did she write about that in her book?


Yeah, it was a really long period of time before she even broke even in her business. But yeah, I guess that’s something interesting to explore as well is that it doesn’t really matter when you do it.




It’s not a race, it’s about your own journey. But I do want to dive into, so let’s talk about this period of tripling your business. I’d love to understand when you sat down, was this an intentional growth?


Using visualisation and investing wisely to grow your business



It was intentional to hit seven figures. It was very intentional. So there’s a video of me that I made on December the 19th, 2019, where I’m talking through the year that I’ve had. So this is… In hypnotherapy, we call this future pacing. And so I’m imagining that it is December, 2020, and I’m talking about the incredible year that I’ve had. I’m talking about living in Spain, I’m talking about the fact that we’ve hit seven figures, I’m talking about the fact that my clients have got sick, amazing results. I’m just like, “Really?” I’m speaking as though it has already happened and anybody that didn’t know me would just be like, “Wow, that’s amazing. What an amazing year you’ve had.” And it’s like people that do know me, they’re like, “Has this already happened or is this going to happen?” And that is a really powerful visualization technique and embodiment tool that I use frequently. I’m writing and speaking and talking my future into existence all of the time. So it was very, very intentional.


And actually, I think I was recording a podcast about this just yesterday. And it was August, 2019 that I really decided and started behaving in alignment with somebody who was going to have a seven figure business. And what that really meant for me was making some very bold investment choices, very bold investment decisions, which meant really to the outside world, in 2019, I probably invested over six figures at about £120,000, I’m not sure if it’s pounds or dollars actually, in coaching. And every time that I made an investment, it was around the $30,000 mark. And that doesn’t include the courses I bought here and there as well but like with actual coaches.


And every time I did that, I felt ridiculous. I felt like, “Oh my God, what are you doing? This is so crazy.” But I just made the decision if I was going to make the leap, then I needed to know things that I didn’t already know and I needed to be doing things I wasn’t already doing. And I needed environmentally to be up leveling the conversations that I was having and the people that I was surrounding myself with. And that is how I made those investment decisions, and they have literally paid off tenfold.


Yeah, I definitely have found that myself as well every time I’ve leant into a really uncomfortable investment, in a mastermind or working with a coach. And do you know what I think a big part of it is too? It’s how you show up as well. And I talk to people about this, about if you were to go and do a course that costs $100 and $100 wasn’t a significant amount of money for you at a time, you’re going to show up in that kind of way. If you have invested to that really uncomfortable point, you are going to throw yourself into that process with everything that you’ve got.




And that definitely plays a part in the outcomes that you achieve. So I’d love to know, if you feel comfortable sharing, who were these coaches that you worked with?


Yeah, so I worked with a woman called Nic Pitch. She runs a UK mastermind, which is great. I invested in going to Necker Island, which hasn’t actually happened yet because of COVID, but will be happening next year. I invested $30,000 for one day to Spencer Guy to learn about how to sell from the stage, and… Who is my fourth person? Oh, and my fourth person is my coach, mindset coach, Regan Hillyer, $30,000.


Yeah, wow. And when you were making these investments, was it just like it’s a no brainer or were you feeling a bit like sick to the stomach at that time? What was the feeling when you were going through that process?


Every one of them is sick to the stomach because they all came at the latter half of the year as well. So it wasn’t like I’d done one in January and one in March and one in June, it was like July happened and I made an investment and then August happened and I had another opportunity and I made another investment. And then October… It was all in the latter half of the year. And so, obviously, I didn’t pay up front for all of these things, but it was still like, “Okay, you’re going to be paying $5,000 a month for this. You’re going to be paying $6,000 a month for that. You’re going to be…” It was stressful actually, because they were such big commitments. And I’m really glad that I did them.


Yeah, I can totally relate to this. So I have done… I went to a retreat earlier this year and it was a five figure investment. And at the time, I was like, “Oh my gosh, this is so much money.” And now I’m like, “Oh my gosh, that was such an amazing experience. I’m so glad I did that.”




So, yeah, it’s all about that process of upleveling.


Can I just say one other thing? The other thing that I did last year, which you just reminded me, is that I did a lot of traveling. I went to probably three or four retreats, and every single one of those retreats, particularly one that I went to in Columbia, changed my life. They changed my outlook. And it was the one in Columbia, which I think would have been in the July, that made me realize that I could be a seven-figure entrepreneur. I was surrounded by them, I was listening to their stories and I just thought, “Oh, I can do that now. I’m ready to do that now.” And so that environment piece, please don’t underestimate it. It’s so important.


Oh, 100%. And you’ll remember when you came and did the million dollar money chat with me, that’s part of what I want to do as well is normalize that this kind of success is possible for anyone. The people that I’m bringing on are beautiful down to earth every day people that have believed in themselves and then taking that inspired action to shift towards that result. And that’s really what I want to normalize. And to your point, when you start mixing in different circles, you start having different conversations. And it was actually Denise Duffield-Thomas, who I know he’s a friend of yours, she was the one who said one of the best ways to get in the company of amazing people is to pay for it.




Amazing. I can’t wait to hear how Necker Island goes. So let’s talk a little bit about, and you mentioned this just before, the concept of quantum leaping. Firstly, what does that actually mean?


What is Quantum Leaping?



It means making a massive shift. Like really embracing a huge amount of momentum to get a really big or significantly different result in a very short amount of time.


And is this just at the multi-six, seven figure mark, or can this happen at any stage?


It can happen at any stage and any area of your life. You can make a quantum shift in how you engage or received in relationships. You can make a quantum leap in a 9:00 to 5:00 role, because so much of it is about identity and choosing to act and behave at a different level. And I help women do that in their businesses. And often, that first marker of success is to get to that first six figures. And now with my one-to-one clients, they’re looking to move from mid multiple six figures into seven figures. And so we see it in their launches. They go from 80K, 90K launches to, I just had a lady that just had a 175K in her launch. And that is about the way that she thinks, it’s about the way that she behaves. And of course there’s the strategy pieces in there too, how to do this differently and how to show up differently.


But I would say that another huge part in being able to quantum leap is connection with your mission and your vision. So I think a lot of people think that it’s just about the strategy and just, if I knew how to do Facebook ads, then I would make a lot of money. If I knew how to do this and once I invested in one person to help me with a tactical area that I needed to improve on, I know that this guy will have worked with many, many people throughout the years and shared with them that strategy. And they will have gone off and failed, whereas I went off and made £265,000 in three days in January, 2020, based on that strategy, it wasn’t the strategy… And so we had our day in August. It wasn’t the strategy that got me there. It was the way that I behaved once I had that information that made the difference and got me the result.


In fact, it’s never the strategy. So what I want your listeners to really think about are where are the holes? Great, so let me plug one hole at a time. So I’ll get the knowledge or get the template for that, but then how do I behave? How does a seven figure business owner behave once they have that information? Are they still spending 30 minutes of time scrolling through Instagram, wishing X, Y, and Z? Are they still spending time thinking about what’s this person doing, or what’s that person doing?


Are they getting down and actually doing the work? Do you really feel like this is you? I’m spending time thinking about how does my $5 million Suzy think, act, speak, behave differently than seven figure Suzy? What is she doing now that is different to what I am actually doing now? And then I’m starting to pull that into my existence now. Which team members are going to help me and support me in moving towards hitting $5 million? Who’s a seven figure, but is not going to take me on the next steps? Do I make the decision about that person now or do I wait six months or eight months or nine months? That’s how you quantum leap by really pulling in the behaviours and the actions of where you want to go today. You act from that place today.


Wow, okay. Powerful. I love, love, love that. And something that you spoke about there really resonated with me as well, which is that taking responsibility for it. And you can either sit and play the victim story around it about it’s all well and good for that person, but rather you’re suggesting that you come at it with a like, well, what are those people doing? How are they showing up? And then what would I be doing at my next level? I went recently… I took a bit of a break from the podcast, and one of the things that I started to embrace was how can I bring that next level of me into my every day? And so I might just share some examples for the listeners if that’s all right, but like my next level version of me isn’t hustling, hustling, hustling all the time.


She’s reading and educating and spending more time doing the work on myself than being in the busy-ness of business. So I love that you’ve said that because it’s very similar. It’s like, who is the next level Suzy? And then how do you start being them? So this leads me to my next question, which is about the process of quantum leaping. If people are going, “This all sounds well and good. Where do I get started?” Is there a particular framework that people need to take or do they just go, “Cool, I’m stepping into the next level of me now.” How do you suggest that someone actually who’s ready to shift into the next level starts to move on their leap?


The 4 Pillars of Quantum Leaping



Thank you for asking this question because our natural tendency is to just think that it’s all about how we think. And I suppose based on everything that I’ve just said, you might feel that it’s just about thinking. And actually, that’s just the first pillar of the process. So I work very much with both strategy and energetics. And what I know to be true is that anything that a person wants in their life, if they were 100% in alignment with that thing, it would already be in their existence. It would already be in their reality. So if something is not in your reality, there is… And I hate to use this word, but I’m going to use it because it’s the one on the tip of my tongue. There’s a blockage somewhere. There’s something that is blocking you from receiving what it is that you want to receive.


And when I looked at back at everything that I did during 2019, and it started with the move to Mexico at the beginning of the year, and really just opening myself up to a transformation. I didn’t know what it was going to be, but I just wanted to be a transformative experience. When I looked back at the whole of that year, what I worked on in order to get into that position where I was like, “Okay, I’m ready for 2020 to be the year that I am in receipt of seven figures.” First of all, I had to look at the conscious transformation. And that’s really what we’ve been focused on so far in our talk today. So really deciding mentally that I am ready and then thinking about all of the stories that I have been up until that point saying no to that thing.


So my best example is I joined the Millionaire Mastermind three years ago, and my target for the first year was $500,000. It was like my mind was so blocked to it being possible that I could earn seven figures. I wouldn’t even set it as a goal. So really looking for what are the stories that come out of my mouth, but not in support of the goal, and then using certain tools to start rewiring, start saying different things. So on a conscious level, we’re looking at conscious transformation.


The second pillar is subconscious transformation. So it’s like when somebody says, “I want to lose weight.” And then the next time you see them, they’re like stuffing their face with like two packets of chocolate cookies. And it’s like consciously, they know that they don’t want to be doing that, but subconsciously, something is driving them because something within them is telling them that it’s not safe for them to be that slimmer, healthier, fitter individual. Exactly the same with money. And of course my background, I use hypnotherapy, I use meditations, any tools that really help with subconscious rewiring.


The third pillar is energetic transformation. So most people think of ourselves, well, we’re human beings. And what we can feel, hear, see, and touch is what we work with. What I and the people that I work with appreciate is that we are energetic beings living a human experience. So there is so much beyond our field vision that is working with us on a day-to-day basis that either help us get to our goals or prevent us getting to our goals. And so I use a lot of energy work to work in what we call the field, the quantum field. So any shadows, any distortions, anything energetically that is blocking me from receiving what I want to receive, I’m looking to clear that out.


And then the fourth pillar of transformation is our physical form and our body. And I think that this is probably one of the most underthought about areas when it comes to manifesting and creating the life and the business that we desire. And we know that we hold stories and beliefs in our mind and in our subconscious mind, but we’re also holding stories and experiences within our bodies. So anytime that we have had a trauma, that doesn’t just stay in our memory bank, but it’s also in our skin, it’s also in our bones. And so I have used body work, including massage, things like quantum flow to really release any trauma, any experiences, any shadows, any distortions that have been stopping me from being in receipt of seven figures. So I was doing all of those things. Energetically, I worked with plant medicine. And I’m not saying that everybody needs to work with plant medicine in order to make a million, but that was one of the tools.


So there are many, many different tools that I used. My big one for the energy field is the Freedom Codes Energy System, which works with the chakras. And anybody can do it. You don’t need to go off into a jungle in Peru to release on an energetic level. But that’s what I use with my clients when I’m working with that pillar particularly to help release old stories that are holding people back. So there was a lot in there, but ultimately, it’s the four pillars of transformation, conscious, subconscious, physical, and energetic. And when you work on all four of those together, then it makes it so much easier for you to do what I have been talking about today, which is make a massive leap in your life and business.




Right, this is huge.


So much to dig into there. So I’d love to ask a question then talking about taking those big quantum leaps. If there doesn’t have to be a lineal growth relationship at any stage in someone’s business journey, if we can take these leaps, I’m just playing devil’s advocate here, what’s to stop, for example, you, you’re talking about the $5 million version of Suzy, what’s to stop you leaping to $20 mil?


Everything really that I have just said. And so it’s like when you are working with a client and you say to them, “Why are you charging £500 for three months? Why are you charging $500?” Like you need to put your rates… You should be charging five grand, okay? And we know that somebody who’s charging $5,000, you can immediately by just having a 5K package, you can immediately… What is it? 20 times 20 clients at 5K, you’ve got your first six figures. And yet how many people are going to struggle to hit six figures this year? Because when it comes to them saying, “I want to charge 5K,” they cannot get that number out of their mouth. They’re blocked either consciously, subconsciously, physically, or energetically. And usually, it’s certainly one of those things. And usually, it’s all four of those things.

And so for me right now to go to $20 million, there are too many stories that I have about how hard it’s going to be, about my worthiness, about whether I would have the team to support me, whether I could trust anybody to support me at that level that I need to burn and release. And as soon as those have gone out of my field, then yeah, absolutely. The other thing is the identity piece. I’m not acting like somebody who has a £20 million business. So it’s, again, that action piece is conscious, conscious transformation, and then the story piece, subconscious, and then the physical piece is like all of the money drama causes layers. All of the money drama that I’ve ever had in my life that said, “It’s not safe for you, you Suzy Ashworth, to be in receipt of $20 million.” And the same with the physical. So it always starts with the conscious awareness and then we get to work on the layers.


Yeah, yeah, totally agree with that. And I love that because you’ve hit the nail on the head. Sometimes you think that you want something and you go, “Oh, if I had $1 million, everything would go away.” But it’s like you’re not even managing the $50,000 a year that you’re earning at the moment. You’re struggling to stay on top of the, from a practical perspective, of the systems and the team and the outsourcing and the challenges around price conversations. If you were suddenly having those at that level now without, to your point, being in the right state, you would self-implode.




And in many ways, while it’s not a linear growth necessarily, it has to be an alignment piece.


Exactly. Otherwise, your subconscious is running the script. It is not safe for you to go to a million right now because of everything that you’ve just said about the way that you’re acting and how you feel about being a $50,000. All that is is 950,000 more problems. And we are not going there. So you have to tidy that up, clear that out in order for you to be ready. And that’s exactly what I made the decision to do in 2019, start clearing it up, clearing it up, clearing it up. And now I’m doing exactly the same for the $5 million. It’s not normal. It’s just ridiculous for somebody to go from $420,000 to $1.5 to… Oh yeah, and the following year I did $5 million.


And even me saying that, that is an area that I get to clean up because all of the time that I’m saying… And it gets to be when you start working, God, I’m getting excited about this because this is just my happy place. But when you start working with the bigger numbers, it’s about really catching those micro transgressions in your mindset and in your behavior that make the macro differences. So I’m just joking about it being ridiculous. It’s my goal. But every time I say that it’s ridiculous, what I’m actually saying is that that’s a stupid thing to be aiming for.


And all of the time I’m thinking and allowing that to be in my field, allowing that to come out of my mouth, I’m holding that $5 million away from me. And so, having these conversations, and again, coming back to environment, being in an environment where you can have a conversation like this and catch the sneaky little subconscious thoughts and beliefs that you are harboring beneath the surface of your conscious desire to want the thing is really super powerful because it’s not until you are able to shine the light on the awareness that it makes it easy for you to catch it and then transmute it.


Yeah, massive. There’s so much power in words, isn’t there? And I definitely, to your point, have caught myself when I say things and even immediately go, “Oh, if it happens or I know that sounds crazy.” And to your point, you’re creating that through your words.


You’re holding yourself away from it. And most, we don’t even realize.


Yeah. Okay, so if people are listening and they are just like, “Okay, loving it all. I’m maybe not at that stage of looking within necessarily just yet.” I’d love for you to share with the listeners, Suzy now, let’s go have a chat back to Suzy who is making, let’s say $50,000 or $100,000 a year. What would you say to her? What is your best advice? What would you say to her to help her get to where you are now faster?


Suzy’s best advice for ‘$50,000 Suzy’



What I was doing really for the first four or five years in my business served me really, really, really well. And that was number one, mindset. So everything I’m talking about when it comes to conscious transformation and awareness, that was super helpful. And outside of my first year of business, I essentially doubled my income year on year until the fifth or the sixth year. And that was mindset that was choosing to believe that I could do six figures. It was taking action in alignment with earning six figures. So I was doing the affirmations. I was writing down my goals. I was writing down my big vision and I was doing all of the kind of standard law of attraction stuff. And that was super helpful to me actually. I was listening to a lot of Abraham Hicks and I was doing I was doing that from a mindset perspective.

On a practical note, what I did was I made sure that I was launching in a significant way, at least twice a year. If I was going back, I would increase the amount that I was launching, but what I was also doing with the launching is that I was investing in bringing new people into my audience. And I think that one of the most common mistakes, and it was a big claim to fame for me for a long time, and still there’s a little bit. My email list, my newsletter lists, it’s 6,000 people on there. I have no business having a seven plus figure business with only 6,000 people on my email list. And for a long time, it was a claim to fame because people are like, “You want to make your first £5,000 in business, you got to have 1,000 people.”


And it’s like, actually my audience has always been so much smaller than any of my peers who are earning this amount of money. And that’s because what I’ve been really great at is cultivating relationships within my community and then coming up with new ideas to be able to resell to established clients, because it’s always easier to sell to somebody who knows you, likes you and trusts you than somebody new.


Having said that, the other thing that I also did was whenever I had a launch, I invested in ads. And I had many launches where the ads went on credit cards because I did not have the money in the business, but the ads went on credit cards. And that enabled me to at least twice a year, add another 600 or 700 people to my email list, which meant I had new bloods coming in. So don’t make the common mistake of struggling to build your audience organically. And I know some people are amazing at that. Most people I know aren’t. So don’t make that mistake of choosing not to invest in getting support when you are launching. That’s how somebody who goes from -£14,000 to £100,000 or to £225,000, that’s how we think.


I’m going to take the risk in spending on ads so that I can get new people in so I can sell to them as well as sell to the people that already know me. So those would be the things that continue to focus on your mindset and increase the amount you launch so that you can also increase the number of new people that you’re bringing into your audience.


And invest.


And invest. I’ve only not had a coach for six months of my whole time I’ve been in business.




And my business did still grow, but it was chaos.


Yeah, I know that every time that I’ve invested and leant in to work with someone, I’ve been like, “Wow, you can just see the big leaps.”




Amazing. Any last words of wisdom that you want to share with the listeners?


I suppose we’re recording this in the last quarter of 2020, and I just want to encourage all of you to be thinking about what’s the impact that you want to make in 2021? For me, when I think about building a business that is going to turn over revenue of £5 million pounds, what I’m really thinking about is how do I get to make £5 million worth of impact? And the revenue is a reflection of the impact that I get to make in the world. And so that is what I want to encourage you to be thinking about all of the time. Who do you want to be? What legacy do you want to leave? What is the impact that you want to create? And then act in alignment with that every day and you will be rewarded.


Wow, amazing. Suzy, thank you so much for coming on the podcast today. I’ve taken so much away. I know everyone listening will have as well. If people want to connect with you, what’s the best way to do so?


You can find me mostly hanging out in my free Facebook group, which is The Quantum Success Hub for Female Entrepreneurs, and also on Facebook, on Suzy, S-U-Z-Y, _Ashworth,


Amazing. I’ll pop the links to connect with Suzy in the show notes for today’s episode. Thank you so much for joining us today. Thanks so much for listening. If you loved this episode, please share it with your audience. And don’t forget to tag me on Instagram @clare_wood_coach. And also make sure you hit subscribe so you never miss an episode. Have an abundant week. And I look forward to talking to you again next week.


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