My fav manifestation hack that ACTUALLY works

I’m incredibly grateful to have just gone through a big income uplevel in my business. In today’s episode I explain how this ease and and flow of money has happened and share one of my favourite strategies that has worked for me again and again, when it comes to attracting things into my life.

In this Episode:
03.06: The incredible things that have happened in my business recently

04.05: My favourite manifesting hack

07.46: Reframing your words

10.24: Using visualisation and feeling the feelings

14.04: Taking action as if it has already happened





* Transcript created by AI – may contain errors or omissions from original podcast audio

  I’m incredibly grateful that I’ve recently been through a big income uplevel in my business. Literally money is coming into my business so quickly right now in expected and also unexpected ways. For example, I’m signing new coaching clients, but also paid speaking opportunity after paid speaking opportunity is coming in. I’m getting wholesale orders for my books and there’s just a really beautiful feeling of ease and flow in the space of money.

It’s really just incredible how quickly money is flowing into my business bank account right now. In today’s episode, I’m going to share one of my favorite strategies that has worked for me again and again when it comes to attracting amazing things into my life, because I believe this might be a hack that can really help you.

So as I shared in the intro, at the moment, so many incredible things are flowing for me in business. Life and money wise right now. And it’s funny because I’ve actually just come off the back of a bit of a stagnant like plateau, and then this big up level has happened. And it’s really interesting because I felt the shift far before the things started to change in my external world. I remember I had a chat with my coach and I said to her, it’s just about to happen. And I’m like, it hasn’t quite happened yet, but I’m, I’m feeling it. I’m feeling everything is about to start flowing. And that’s what I want to talk to you about today. How you can actually turn things from a dream into being in your real life.

So what is my favorite manifestation hack that I wanted to share with you today?

Well, it’s this blurring the line between desire and reality. And don’t worry, I’m going to go a little bit deeper and explain what I mean here and some ways that you can implement it to start to make your manifestations come true.

I just want to share a bit of a backstory if you are new around here, or perhaps if you’ve forgotten, but I want to set the context around one of the big things that I’m wanting to manifest in my life right now, a huge manifestation that I’m working on, which is my dream house. Rewind a couple of years, I was living in a rental house to be honest, cash was really tight. It was getting to the point of, you know, money was a real, real financial stress, but I had the desire to move into a house by the beach. I wanted to buy my own home. And in the process of starting to look, I, me and my hubby decided that we didn’t just want to live near the beach, we wanted to actually live on the water. Like I said, money was tight, we couldn’t even get a home loan, let alone for a beach home . So it was all just a bit of a distant dream. And as we went through the steps that I’m going to talk to you about today, the gap between this crazy, you know, left field idea and what was happening in our real world. The gap started to close and nearly two years ago now we bought our waterfront home literally on our dream street. I have photos of me that I took well before we moved here of me pointing at the name of this street saying, this is where I want to live one day. I used to frequent my local coffee shop and I’d be like, this is going to be my local coffee shop one day.

What we’ve done is we bought the absolute dream location. We have the perfect block and it is exactly where we want to be. The problem is the house we’re living in is not exactly the dream house. And by not exactly, it’s a long way off the dream house. The house we ended up buying is really old, very small. It’s very run down to be perfectly honest with you, we’ve done a minor renovation inside, put a new kitchen in, we’ve tidied up the bathroom, we’ve painted, put new floors down. It’s nice enough. And especially with all that beautiful furniture that we’ve got inside that we bought from an interior stylist, it’s cozy, it’s comfy and it will do for now. However, It’s not the dream house. We really want to knock this down and build our dream house in this exact location.

So I’ve used these tools to get to this point in the process, and now I’m going to be using these same tools that we’re going to talk about today, that blurring the line between desire and reality to start to manifest the dream house that we will build on this block.

So let me break it down. What exactly does blurring the lines between desire and reality mean?

The first step is speaking it into reality. One of the tips that I have here is to use the term when, not if, so you’ll notice that I say, when we build the dream house, If we can afford to build a dream house one day, it’s not some vague, maybe it might happen. I say, when again and again and again, you know, our kids are so bought in to this messaging that keeps saying, when is the dream house happening? Here I say, when again and again and again. They don’t realize that there’s a bit of a gap between what is going to happen and where we are now. So my tip to you is start to speak Whatever it is that you desire into reality and a great place to start is start saying, when I start my business, when I, you know, improve my health, for example, whatever it is, instead of saying, if start saying, when.

Another example of how I used the process of speaking into reality was with my book.

When I launched my book, Intentional Profit, if you haven’t got a copy, please go and buy a copy. It’s a really beautiful practical book which combines practical profit and the concepts that we’re talking about here, manifestation mindset, all together in one book. Go and check that out. Look, I’ve gone on a bit of a segue, getting very excited about it but the point that I’m trying to make is that when I did my very first ever social media post about the book, I used the hashtag bestseller.

Now, some people might think, That’s a bit misleading, using a hashtag bestseller if it wasn’t even a bestseller yet. But I was so sure that it would be, that I knew that I could do that in integrity. And that part of even the process of bringing that into creation was having the confidence around using that hashtag in the very first post that I did around it. My book, of course, did go on to become a bestseller. It stayed in the charts for weeks and sometimes even pops back up in there again. And this is an example about speaking it into reality.

The next tool that sits under this, you know, overarching umbrella of blurring the lines between desire and reality is visualization.

So I told you that this. is on this house that I’m currently living in is on my absolute dream street. I went and did an open house inspection at a house three houses down and I sat on that bed. I can’t tell you for how long, I’m surprised the real estate agent didn’t come up and say, that’s awkward. What are you doing in here? But I sat on the bed in the master bedroom and I stared out at the canal and I just saw myself living there. I imagined sitting on my bed, looking out the bedroom window at the exact canal that I now look out at every single day. I truly believe that visualization, particularly the one being in the spot, was a really powerful tool in terms of bringing my dream into my reality. Following on from that is feeling the feeling, like actually starting to go, how would I feel if this thing was in existence in my life? When I first heard this concept, it used to really piss me off if I’m honest with you because I think, how can I feel rich if I’m not?

Here’s the thing about wealth, about any level of success. It’s all just a perception.

I started to think, how would I feel if I had my waterfront home? How would I feel? I would feel incredibly grateful. I’d feel so abundant. As you start to create those feelings, you start to blur the line between the desire and the reality. Your body starts to go, Whoa, there’s actually not that big of a gap here. I remember, like I said, it used to really frustrate me when I first learned about this, you know, this tool and I’d be like, how can I feel rich? I’m not rich. I’m struggling. But as I said, it’s all a perception. I remember one day when I was traveling in Bali, many, many, many moons ago, and I was getting a pedicure. And I was sitting there and the lady said to me, miss you rich. And I laughed and I’m like, Oh no, I’m not rich at the time. I can assure you, I was a long way from wealth in the terms that I view it in today’s terms. But anyway, she said to me, you’re rich. I was laughing. I said, no, no, no, I’m not rich. And she said, you came on an airplane to come here. And I said, yes. And she said, you rich. And that moment really stuck with me because even though I didn’t perceive myself to be rich, to her, the fact that I’d been on an airplane, it meant that I was really wealthy.

And I guess this is the thing, you know, at any level, we can always feel like we’re not enough, or we’re looking ahead that we forget how blessed we actually are. So feeling the feeling that you want to feel or that you think you’re going to feel when you get to the goal is a really fantastic tool in terms of blurring the lines.

The last part of this process is taking action as if the thing is moving forward.

So an example of this with the dream house, me and my hubby last week went and met with a home loan specialist. Now, I don’t want to be a, a negative Nancy about it, but I really didn’t think that there would be the capacity for us to borrow money to go and build the dream house now. I mean, you know, to be honest, it was a big level up for us to buy this block of land and I didn’t think at this point in time that we’d have the bandwidth to go and build the dream house. Sure enough, we met with a home loan specialist who was like, No, that is not happening right now. However, what we were doing is taking steps forward as if it’s happening. I will book in to chat to a home loan Specialist again in a few months. And instead of saying, look, I know we’re not there yet. It’s like, Hey, are we getting closer? What do we need? What income targets do we need to be hitting? I start taking action as if it’s moving forward to manifest this house.

I walked through open home after open home after open home on the water so think about the thing that you want and what is an action that you can take that’s a step forward, even if it doesn’t feel like it’s, it’s something that is going to happen in a short period of time, even if it doesn’t feel like it. And sometimes as you start to blur the lines, the timeline starts to collapse.

Something that might’ve seemed years away can actually happen even faster than you imagined. So walk through open homes, take that next step, take action as if it’s moving forward.

Obviously, what we spoke about here is some pretty generic things. I haven’t sort of gone into a lot of depth about the actual process or how you use these tools on a really deep level. I’m going to be opening the doors to my, my ultimate mindset course accelerator in just a few weeks. And I’m really excited about it because the course is getting a huge facelift.

My manifestation practices have up leveled even in just a few months since I first launched it. And I want this course to really be my best and most powerful content. I’m going to deliver the course live, which means that you will also get the opportunity to go deeper with me in person inside the course. So if you want to find out a bit of a sneak peek about what it looks like to go and do this work inside my manifestation course, come and join the free challenge and whether or not you go on to join Accelerator or not, you’ll learn so much to uplevel your manifestation practices inside the free challenge.

To sum up today’s episode, the energetic shift, the alignment of your energy into the thing that you want or the things that you want happens before the thing that you want materializes in the 3D reality. And so starting to blur the lines between am I there yet or am I not quite there yet is one of the most powerful ways to start to bring your manifestations into fruition. It can happen really quickly when you start to blur the lines between what is real and what is to be.

Thank you so much for tuning in to today’s episode of the Clare Wood podcast. If you loved this episode, please, I would be so grateful if you could share it with a friend or share it with your audience on social media and make sure you tag me so I can drop it over and say, thank you.

I really appreciate you being here and for listening to this podcast. And I hope you’ve taken something really powerful away from today’s episode that will help you get one step closer to your big dreams. Chat to you next week.

* Transcript created by AI – may contain errors or omissions from original podcast audio


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