The Clare

Wood Blog

A goodie bag for business owners

Sharing all the goods including money and mindset tips and business journeys to inspire you

Start with the must reads

When it comes to the business of running a business, I know easy it is to feel overwhelmed. The good days feel bloody amazing, but the bad days, well…you can feel like you’re drowning in a never-ending to-do-list!

You’ve made your extra strong coffee, the kids are at school / daycare / somewhere you don’t have to worry about them and your dog is dozing quietly in the corner. You sit down at your desk, raise your fingers to the keyboard and…nothing.

A million dollars of sales in one year?! Sounds like something that happens for tech companies and Kim Kardashian Million dollar businesses aren’t just for the rich and famous… Anyone can build a million dollar business, and I want to share how.


off the airways!

There is something that can truly change the game for you as a business owner, which is Accountability. In today's episode, I share why accountability can truly shift the needle for you as a business owner, particularly if you struggle with procrastination, lack of direction, or just feeling overwhelmed.

There is something that can truly change the game for you as a business owner, which is Accountability. In today's episode, I share why accountability can truly shift the needle for you as a business owner, particularly if you struggle with procrastination, lack of direction, or just feeling overwhelmed.

Sometimes it's just the tiniest actions that create those huge breakthroughs. In today's episode, I share  the types of tweaking, testing, learning and evolving that can lead to massive business breakthrough.

Have you ever sent off a proposal or prices to a potential client and then hear nothing? In today's episode, I share how you can make sure that you hear back from your client, ideally with a yes, and I'll dive into the mindset around the art of detachment when it comes to your client proposals.

You've heard of quantum leaps, but how can you use those same principles to grow your bottom line? In today's episode, I share how you can expand your profit in unimaginable ways this year.

When it comes to attracting money or other things in your life, your energetic state is everything. In today's episode, I chat to Erika Cramer AKA the Queen of Confidence about how you can become more magnetic and attract the things that you want into your life.

FREE Money Masterclass.

4 Steps to Grow your Profit

Grow your take home profit, even if “money” overwhelms you and you think you are bad with numbers.