The Clare

Wood Blog

A goodie bag for business owners

Sharing all the goods including money and mindset tips and business journeys to inspire you

Start with the must reads

When it comes to the business of running a business, I know easy it is to feel overwhelmed. The good days feel bloody amazing, but the bad days, well…you can feel like you’re drowning in a never-ending to-do-list!

You’ve made your extra strong coffee, the kids are at school / daycare / somewhere you don’t have to worry about them and your dog is dozing quietly in the corner. You sit down at your desk, raise your fingers to the keyboard and…nothing.

A million dollars of sales in one year?! Sounds like something that happens for tech companies and Kim Kardashian Million dollar businesses aren’t just for the rich and famous… Anyone can build a million dollar business, and I want to share how.


off the airways!

I'm hearing a lot of nervousness in the online and business world right now. Maybe you're experiencing a dip in sales, or you're finding that business is a little bit harder than usual. In today's episode, I share 5 things that you can do right now to take back the power if you are feeling stressed about money.

One of the most effective ways to increase your profit is to increase you prices. In today's episode, I share how to know the right time to raise your prices, how much to increase your prices by, and what other pricing strategies you can use if a price rise isn't aligned for your business right now.

Are you ready to consciously create a life you dream of? In today's episode, I chat with Suzy Ashworth, author of Infinite Receiving, about allowing yourself to be truly and deeply fulfilled.

My whole job is to help business owners to fix their businesses and to make more money, more profit. But I have a bit of a confession to make... I kinda took the eye off the prize in my own business. In today's episode, I share what I've been working on behind-the-scenes to breathe new life back into my business and create new pathways of profit.

Did you know that public speaking is the world's number one fear? Yep, even more than death itself. In today's episode, I chat with Anneliese McCarthy, founder of Her Speaking Coach, about how to step into your confidence and power when it comes speaking out and speaking up.

Maybe becoming a paid speaker is something you've thought about before, or maybe it's something you haven't even really considered as part of your business journey yet? In today's episode, I share how you can transition to not just becoming a speaker, but becoming a paid speaker, to talk about your area of expertise.

FREE Money Masterclass.

4 Steps to Grow your Profit

Grow your take home profit, even if “money” overwhelms you and you think you are bad with numbers.