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I've literally spent thousands of dollars working on my mindset. And from my experience, I make more money when I spend my money on coaches and learning about manifestation, energetics and mindset. In today's episode, I share what these investments look like and why I invest in mindset over marketing to maximise my investment returns.
Are you wishing that your manifestations would come to fruition faster? In today's episode, I share five surprising hacks to fast track your manifestations and make them a reality quicker.
Imagine being able to move past your fears, anxiety and limitations to truly step into your authority and be able to build your business to the seven figure mark. In today's episode, my guest Hayley Lloyd, shares how she's done exactly that, and gives her advice on stepping into your true power.
Did you know that on average happy customers tell four to six others about their experience? Whereas unhappy customers will tell on average nine to 15 people about their negative experience. In today's episode, I share some ideas for creating premium customer experiences that will create loyal and raving fans of your brand.
An area of my life which I have been exploding in gratitude in, is the area of friendships. I'm so blessed to have so many soul sister friendships in my world. In today's episode, I share how you can attract and build solid friendships.
Manifestation, as a tool for creation, can feel a lot easier to do when things are going well in your life. In today's episode, I share how you can be manifesting even when you are in a space of struggle or when things feel hard.