Unintentionally building a 7 figure business with Emma Williams

Can you imagine if your boss bought your a designer handbag as a thank you for all your hard work? In today’s episode, I’m joined by Emma Williams, the founder of Maxx Marketing, who did just that for her team. Hear how Emma built a thriving 7-figure business by simply wanting to help people and create impact.

NOTE: Audio updated on streaming platforms as of 08.01.2024. Full episode is now available.

In this Episode:
03.00: How Emma started her organic digital marketing agency and being-the-scenes of her live events

13.56: Setting up a fully remote team

16.53: How the business grew, largely unintentionally and her vision for the future

22.20: How Emma does business differently and spends her money with financial freedom




Guest Bio

Maxx Marketing was founded by Emma Williams, successful entrepreneur, mum of three, and creator of the multi award-winning social media company, formerly known as SociallyEm.

Launched in 2018, SociallyEm was a one-woman show that grew from humble roots and evolved into the rebel agency you see here today. And when we say ‘rebel’, we mean we do things differently because we know small business like your barista knows your coffee order.

As a team of more than 30 entrepreneurs turned marketing and digital experts, we’ve launched brands from our kitchen benches and cut our teeth on the wild ride of business ownership, and now we’re ready to support your unique journey.

Maxx Marketing Website >
Socially Em Instagram >
Maxx Marketing Instagram >


Coming soon!


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