5 strategies to smash your new years goals

Do you have big goals for 2024? If you are like me, you will have some exciting things that you want to achieve in the new year. In today’s episode, I share 5 strategies to help smash those new year goals.

In this Episode:
04.46: What’s your why?

08.34: Set smart goals

10.56: Take baby steps

15.35: Set yourself some celebration rewards

19.45: Get in energetic alignment with your goals


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* Transcript created by AI – may contain errors or omissions from original podcast audio

Do you have big goals for 2024? If you’re anything like me, you will have some exciting things that you want to achieve in the new year. So in today’s episode of the podcast, I wanted to share with you five strategies to help you smash those new year goals.

So as I record this episode, I am sitting here, literally still got my swimmers on, I’ve thrown a dress over the top and I’ve still got the hat mark on my forehead because I have come from the swimming pool. At the time I’m recording this, it is school holidays here in Australia and my two boys are now both at school, which means I’ve got Two kids home during the school holidays. And for those of you listening outside Australia at this time of year, particularly in Queensland, which is where I’m from, it is really warm, it is hot weather, and I am here, like many parents are, doing the juggle of looking after kids and preparing for Christmas and still trying to get those last few bits of work in.

I know I could have been a bit more prepared and had this content prepared in advance, but I’m here. I really wanted to deliver fresh content through the Christmas New Year’s time, because I know that a lot of podcasters take a break and I feel like I’ve got so much that I want to share with you. So I really wanted to create fresh content through this period of time but I’m kind of already in wind down mode a bit. As I said, I’ve literally just come from the swimming pool. If you can’t see me, if you’re listening to this on a podcast, I do, I have started putting my episodes up on YouTube. So if you’re someone who prefers to watch a video, if you want to come and see my shiny face from the sunscreen and the hat mark on my forehead, come on over to my YouTube account.

It is @clarewoodcoach, C L a R E W O O D C O A C H come and you can watch the videos over there. And in 2024, I’m going to be creating some exclusive content over on YouTube as well. I’m really excited to add a new platform to my marketing in the new year.

Here, gearing up for Christmas, I’m not sure whether you are listening to this in the lead up to Christmas or whatever festive season it is for you but for us here in, in my family here in Australia, we do a big warm Christmas. I am one of five kids. So I have my sister flying in from Singapore, my brother flying in from Sydney and the five of us kids, four of us have kids of our own now. So even my immediate family has 20 people in it. So it’s going to be a big, crazy, amazing day. I’m hosting it at my house this year. And usually Christmas for us consists of ham, cold ham we have, and prawns, we have seafood because it’s really warm. And usually we, you know, might go to the beach in the afternoon or go for a bit of a dip. So That’s what Australia looks, that’s what Christmas looks like for a lot of families here in Australia. I recognize that we are obviously very privileged and that this is not something firstly that everyone in Australia celebrates and secondly is able to celebrate in the way that we are. So feeling very grateful at this time of year and also being very mindful to think of ways that I can give back and support people less fortunate than ourselves during this period of time, looking at charities that we can donate to and other ways that we can give a bit back to other people in our community because recognize that we are very fortunate.

Alrighty. Enough about my Christmas plans. Let’s dive into today’s episode about how to smash your new year’s goals.

So the very first thing that I would say, and this is, all of this is relevant to Any goals that you were setting, any big dreams that you have that you want to materialize. Start with what’s your why, what is the purpose? What is the reason that you want to hit these goals?

Often what can happen, and as a mentor, as a coach, I said this a bit and I said, why do you want that thing? Why do you wanna make, you know, a million dollars a year? And people might say, because you know, then I won’t have to worry about money anymore. And I’m like, is that true? Do you think that there’s people making a million dollars a year who don’t worry about money? So remembering the reason why you got started and the ethos behind this, firstly, it’s remembering your big purpose. Like what is the actual intent behind it? And then really being able to have that compelling reason to keep you on track.

Firstly, checking, is it a valid reason? Is it, is it actually true that if I hit this financial metric that I’ll have more time freedom and perhaps what you realize is you say, well, the reason I want to hit that financial metric is because I want more time. And therefore what you need to do as you’re working towards that goal is ensure that you aren’t burning yourself out and working these crazy hours to hit a certain financial metric At the expense of the reason why you got started. So that’s the first part. Have you actually got the why right? And are you going about the process of creation with that purpose, that why in mind?

The second thing is to use that why use your purpose as fuel as motivation to keep you on track. So one of my big why’s is that I really want to have a positive impact on the planet. I, I feel like I’m here to change people’s lives in a positive way. And one of the ways that I do that is by empowering people to make more money in their business. And so when I come back to that, when I remember how many of my clients have bought their dream house, bought their dream car, doubled, tripled, quadrupled their businesses, retired their partners, that gets me excited. I know that there’s a, a really positive impact that happens in people’s lives through the work that I do. And that’s something that keeps me motivated and on track towards my goals.

Another thing that you know, is part of that impact is that I want to give back to people less fortunate than myself and so when I get a bit, woe is me, I don’t want to record a podcast or, you know, I, I’m feeling tired to show up in my business. This can also be a powerful motivator, remembering that there are a lot of people less fortunate than me and that the more success that I create in my business, the more that I am able to help other people as well. So take a moment with those goals that you are setting. Think about what your why is. What is the reason that you want this thing? And is this goal actually going to support you to get there? How can you use this desire, this purpose to fuel you on to take action?

The second tip that I have for you around achieving your new year’s goals is to set goals. Smart goals.

Now I’m sure you’ve heard this before, but specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time bound. Now I’ve heard this for many, many years, right from back in my corporate days. Don’t set vague goals for yourself. And yet when I went through the exercise this week of setting my Q1 specific goals I went through this exercise with my masterminders as well, it was a really fun activity to do. When I was going through on setting my goals, the first one that I wrote down was be more organized. And I know that I’ve spoken about this on the podcast before. I believe there’s a lot of opportunity for me to be a lot more planned ahead with my content and my launches. And I believe that this will have a really positive effect on my business.

So that was the first thing that I wrote, be more organized. The problem with being more organized is that it is not specific, measurable or time bound, it’s quite vague. A lot of people by a lot of people’s standards, I actually probably am quite an organized person. So how can you turn your goals into something that is a bit more specific around something that you can actually measure if you’ve been successful in it?

So an example for me could be to plan out my quarter in advance and to stick to the timeframes that I set. Or it could be to have one week of social media content prepared in advance at all times throughout quarter one. See how that is suddenly a lot more of a measurable metric than be more organized. It’s something that you can actually track. So if your goals look like. Be more healthy. Can you change it to walk 30 minutes, three times a week instead? How can you make your goals a lot clearer?

Step number three, if you have read my book, intentional profit, If you haven’t, please don’t grab a copy now you can grab it on Amazon or through my website. But one of the things that I talk about in my book, intentional profit is about the concept of baby steps. So a lot of times, if you want to create big outcomes in your life, I really encourage you to take big leaps forward. Right. Small steps usually get smaller outcomes. Big leaps, you know, they’re, they’re riskier, but a lot of times that’s the way to create bigger outcomes. But the one thing that I would say, if you are feeling stuck in terms of moving forward with a goal, take a baby step, take one step forward, put your foot in front of the foot behind. Just take one step forward. And let me explain an example of what I mean here.

If you are a new listener to the podcast, you might not know the backstory. So let me quickly explain. I had a vision a couple of years ago to move to a waterfront home, a mansion on the water. I had a vision a couple of years ago to move to a waterfront home, a mansion on the water. It was my big, crazy dream. And two years ago now, I can’t believe we’ve been here for two years, two years ago, we actually bought a waterfront home. Now we didn’t quite get the dream house and you know, to be honest, we lovingly call our current home, the beach shack. It’s a really cute, small little house that is in our ideal location. We cannot think of anywhere else we would rather be living. We can walk to the beach. We have our own beach at the back of our house, 18 meters of beach front. Anyway, I digress the long story short. We really want to build a dream house on this block that we have. And we’ve gone and got quotes and let’s just say that it is a lot more expensive to build the house that we want than we had originally planned that it would be. If you’re here in Australia, you know, there’s a couple of big chain companies that say, we can build your home for this amount of money. I can assure you when you go and talk to them that that number is more of a marketing front than how much they can actually build your house for. So long story short, it’s going to cost us a lot more than we had originally thought that it might. What happens when suddenly the goal that you’ve got feels so, so far away, you can feel really disconnected from it, which is what’s been happening to me and my hubby lately. It just feels like, Oh, that’s so far away. I don’t know how that can ever happen. Right. And so one of the things that we have committed to for 2024 is that we are going to continue to take steps forward, even though we don’t exactly know how we’re going to create the outcome.

So let me explain some of the steps that we’re going to take in 2024. The first thing we’re going to do is go and get a survey of our property. It’s the first step in actually going and getting a building design done. The next thing that we’re going to do, we’re actually going to go and pay for the building design to be done. Now you might wonder why haven’t you done this up to this point? And the reason is it’s felt a little bit like dead money to go and get a you know, a house design that you don’t even know how you are going to get the money for at this point in time. But what we’ve decided for 2024, we’re like, we’re going to go and take these steps, these baby steps forward, because trust me, it was insurmountable. This dream of thinking that we could possibly live on the water. And the way that we created it was by taking one step forward and the next step forward and meeting with what are they called? The people that help you with your mortgages. You’re going and meeting with people about getting a loan for the house. If you feel stuck, I encourage you just to take that one next step forward, break it down into bite sized achievable chunks. That would be a big step in getting you closer towards your big new year goals.

Alrighty, the next tip that I have for you, the next strategy that can help you to make all of those New Year’s goals come true is to set some celebration rewards along the way.

What can happen with our goals is that We start moving towards them and then we don’t even take the time to acknowledge how far we’ve come. I see this a lot when I’m working with my clients, they set themselves a big goal and they’re shooting towards that goal, shooting towards that big goal and forget to even celebrate how far they’ve come. So let’s say $20,000 a month when they first started working with me. Their big goal is $50, 000 a month and they’re pretty consistently hitting $35, 000 a month. And they’re so focused on where they want to go. They forget to recognize, wow, I’ve made epic progress. And to be clear, I have to admit, I’m very guilty of these two. A lot of times we forget to celebrate the wins along the way. So how can you motivate yourself, set yourself some little celebration awards along the way?

Just recently, my husband had a $100, 000 revenue month in his business. It’s not the first time he’s done that, but you know, it’s still a really big milestone nonetheless. And I said to him, how are you going to treat yourself? And He was like, oh, you know, and he really, really wanted to get this cake mixer thing. I am not a cook at all, but my husband is the, the cook in our family and he loves to bake. He loves to make things and he’d really, really wanted to buy this specific kind of cake mix up. Now it’s quite an expensive investment. And to be honest, I’ve said to him, if it’s something that you need to help you to cook, I’d like, just get it for yourself. You don’t need to attach it to a particular milestone in your business, but it felt very important to him to have it as a celebration reward. So anyway, he hit the milestone and I said, honey, you’ve got to go and buy it, go and celebrate. And it’s funny. All of the stories, the money mindset stories pop up, the guilt, the shame, even though both our businesses are doing well at the moment, this might blow your mind, but you know, the way that it works with businesses is that sometimes they’re up, sometimes they’re down. And also that is a sales metric. My husband has several people in his team, so he also has to pay his team bill. So it’s certainly not like all of that money landed in our bank account. It wasn’t like we had oodles of cash lying around and he still felt guilty spending money at that point in time. So what I encourage you to do when you are going through and setting your goals, allow yourself to set some celebration rewards.

It doesn’t have to be spending, you know, hundreds or thousands of dollars on something. It might even just be when I hit my first whatever month, I’m going to take a day off completely guilt free and I’m going to sit on the couch and watch TV. Maybe that’s her reward. Maybe your reward is I don’t know, going out and having a nice meal. The more that you can celebrate your successes, your subconscious mind is going to want to hit more of them because they’re like, I got that little prize and that was really cool. So think about how you can set yourself some celebration rewards along the way. This is definitely something I’m going to be doing with my goals is writing out a list of some things that I would love to do and then setting milestones of when I can go and achieve that reward.

And the last strategy that I really recommend that you use is to use your money mindset to get in energetic alignment with your goals.

It’s really funny how easy it is to see an energetic mismatch from the outside and this is why, you know, I’m a coach, I’m a mindset mentor, I’ve still got my own coach who will pick me up on things when she sees that energetic mismatch.

So an example of this at the moment, there’s clearly an energetic mismatch between me and building the dream house. Because if I was in complete energetic alignment, I would have it by now. Just quickly, if you aren’t sure what I’m talking about here, energetic alignment is something that you feel like in the space of frequency of energetic frequency of like attracts like vibration, you will have the things in your life that you are in alignment with. If you truly believe that you are ready to be making $20, 000 a month and your income, a complete energetic match for it, that’s what you’ll be achieving. And it’s funny when you reach a point, when you reach a match, you will tend to create that outcome again and again and again. So up until the point when you hit your first $10, 000 a month, and you might’ve thought, oh, so, and then when you hit it once, it’s so much easier to hit it again and again and again. Right. Because you’re like, yeah, well, of course I make that much, I’ve done it before, it’s going to be easy to create that again. So there might be an energetic mismatch between where you desire to be and where you currently are. And if you are wondering how to close that gap, I’m not going to be able to help you do that in this short podcast episode, trust me, the money mindset work is something that takes years and years and years to cultivate. However, I would just encourage you to start going down the path of learning more about money mindset, start understanding more about energetic frequency. I talk about it a lot on this podcast, you can go and dig up some of my old episodes, but really start your money mindset journey. My book is another great place. Go and grab a copy of intentional profit. Make sure as you are on your journey to the achievement of your goals, that you keep doing that inner work, that mindset work.

Well, those are some of my top strategies for hitting all of your big New Year’s goals. If 2024 is the year that you are wanting to level up your space, your, your business in the space of money and you want to find out more about what it’s like to work with me, to coach with me, see how I can help, make sure you get in touch. I have been having this week quite a few discoveries, people discovery calls, people reaching out to find out more about working with me as their coach in 2024. So if you do want to find out more, please do get in touch.

If not, I hope you keep enjoying this podcast for now. It has been such a pleasure chatting to you again this year, and I cannot wait to be bringing you even more goods on the Clare Wood podcast in 2024. A massive, massive thank you to, for listening to the podcast, for supporting me, for leaving reviews and for sharing episodes that you enjoy with your biz friends. From the bottom of my heart, I deeply, deeply appreciate you and I can’t wait to continue your money journey in 2024. All the best. I hope you achieve all of those New Year’s goals and that today’s podcast episode has supported you with some strategies to get there. I hope you are feeling inspired and excited about what is possible for you when it comes to money.

* Transcript created by AI – may contain errors or omissions from original podcast audio


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